Friday, January 28, 2011

What's the Gist?--The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


  1. As Lucy is reading a book, and she want to read it again she doesn't see any more pages and the pages are blank. She also doesn't remember anything from the book also, and then she hears some thumping noises. She turn around and then she ran back, and before she knows it she see Aslan. Lucy was so excited that Alsan let her kiss her. As Aslan and her are walking Aslan asked her is she was ready to meet the prince.

  2. While Lucy was reading the magician book, she felt like she was reading a story not a spell. Also Lucy was mad at her friends because they were talking bad stuff about her. Then Lucy's face lit up for a moment because she saw Aslan right in front of her. Meanwhile, Aslan told Lucy that she made him visible because she found the spell.

  3. Lucy was just reading the magician's book, and she saw the last thing that she expected. Lucy was talking to a picture in the magician's book. Lucy was looking for a spell that could turn you invisible, so then she saw a spell that seemed like a story. As she was reading the magicians book, all of the pictures looked so real. After she finished reading the book, she wanted to read it again because it was a beautiful story but when she tried to turn back, it wouldn't turn and the page she was on started to fade away. When she wanted to remember about the book, because she couldn't turn the page, she couldn't remember a single thing she tried and tried, but she just couldn't remember. While she was trying to remember what the store was about, she found a spell that makes things invisible; that is what she was looking for the whole time. When she went to go open the door really happy right out side of it she saw Aslan. The thing that she asked him was if that he could tell her the story he was begging him. Asland said yes and he told her the story again.

  4. As Lucy was reading the magician's book, she was eavesdroping on her friends while they were at school. Then she turns the page and starts to read a story, and she notices shes on the last page and can't remember the story. When she turns the page, there was a spell to find hidden objects come out. She says the spell and when she turned sround standing in the door way was ozlan.

  5. When Lucy is reading the magician's book, she sees one of her friends saying bad things about Lucy. When she finishes reading other stories in the book she can't remember what its about. When she keeps flipping through the pages, she finds a spell to help the people that live on the island. Later when she's done Lucy sees Aslan. Later when Aslan talks to Lucy he is going to take her to the master.

  6. While Lucy was trying to remember what the story she read was about, the with the story and pictures on it disapeared. After, she heard a loud noise and she turned around because she rather have turn around to see who it was and then to have someone sneak up on her, so she turned around.
    When she turned around standing there was Aslan. Aslan came in the door and was telling her why she shouldn't be spying on people.

  7. As Lucy was reading the big magic book, she heard that her friends were making mean remarks about her. After Lucy heard that, she started forgetting all about the good story from the book, little by little she couldn't remember. Then as she forgot the story, she continued to flip through the pages, and she found the magic spell "to make things seem visible". While she finished reading the spell, Aslan suddenly appeared, and he told her that she had been eavesdropping on her friends. Aslan convinces Lucy to go and meet the magician.

  8. Lucy couldn't turn around when she was reading the book because she was scared and that is why she did not turn around when someone was knocking on the door. And she didn't know who it was but finally she found out, it was Aslan all along. Aslan came in the door and was telling Lucy that she shouldn't spy on people.

  9. As Lucy see's her friend's talking bad about her, and she feels very sad. While Lucy reads the magician book, she thinks it's a story not a spell. Then she was done with the story she forgot it. After she finshs saying the "visable spell" Aslan appears, and tells lucy he will tell her the story. Since Lucy is sad about what her friends said, Aslan says that she lieing because she was afraid of the big girl.

  10. When Lucy sees a book with many spells, and she flips through the pages and reads them. While she reads the spells, and she sees Alslan.

  11. As Lucy was looking through the book, she saw her friends talking about her, and then the picture starts to turns as if she was really there at the scene.

  12. As Lucy was looking through the book, she got mad that her friend was talking about Lucy. When Lucy was reading the book, She couldn't turn the pages back but forward. Lucy was scared about the foot step that were coming, but when she turned around it was Aslan on the door way. Lucy felt very bad that she was talking back in the photograph, so Lucy says to Aslan "Am I going to be friends with her?" Aslan says something back to her. " She did not mean that she was just scared about the big girl that was going to treat her bad." Aslan said, " Lets go met the master."

  13. Lucy looked at pictures from the magic book, and talked to it. She started flipping through the pages and started reading a story. When she finished, Lucy wanted to read the story again but left hand pages cant be turned and right hand pages can. She heard footsteps and as soon as she turned around she saw

  14. As Lucy was reading the Magician's book, she read a story that she loved, but Lucy didn't remember what the story was about. After Lucy read the story, she liked it, so she tried to read it again. The book could only flip right, not left.

  15. As Lucy was reading the spell, Aslan came out because the spell made invisible things go visible.

  16. While Lucy was reading the magician's book she saw a lot of different things. She was flipping through the book and she heard her friend making fun of her. She saw a story that she liked and she wanted to read the story again but, the book's pages could only turn right and not back, she tried to remember it but it was fading away.

  17. While Lucy was reading the book, she saw a lot of things.

  18. As Lucy was reading the book, she thought it was a story.

  19. While Lucy is reading the book, she saw her friends make fun if her. After that one of her friends said that she hated her, and then she thought if all her friends were like that. So then shy turned the page because she didn't want to read more, and after she turned the page she finally found the spell she was looking for, but she checked it to make sure. Then she heard the door open she turned around and it was ozlen, and he told her that the book she read was not real and that she made him be visible and he was going to take her to the master of the house.
