Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Letter from Birmingham Jail"--Your Thoughts....

After reading Dr. King's letter to the eight clergymen who criticized his activities, what are your thoughts on Dr. King's letter? Do you think his response was effective? Appropriate? Well written? Helpful to the Civil Rights Movement?

How did you feel as you read Dr. King's letter? Do you agree that he was justified in what he did, or do you agree with the clergymen who criticized him? Why?

Please write your response paragraph using at least 1 compound complex sentence.


  1. I really like the letter explaining the life of Martin Luther King Jr. in the past. I say yes that his respond was heard, while he wrote that letter he thought that by his heart. It was appropriate and very well written. This letter was very helpful to the Civil Rights Movement because they put that in the news paper. I felt sad when they called black people "Negro." I agree that he was justified in what he did because he told they why they were. Rest in Peace Martin Luther King Jr. They took your life but not his pride. "Free at Last, Free at Last, Free at Last!"

  2. Dr. King is a courages and brave man because in his letter he said that he will explain why he is in jail a way that the white would understand. Dr. King wasnt a mean or selfish man and if he recieved criticism he wouldnt do anything, and his letter that he wrote is appropiate. As i read thru Dr. Kings letter i felt sad because he didnt do anything affective to the white. I also agree that he was justified in what he did.

  3. I really like the letter explaining the reason why Dr. Martin Luther Ling Jr. boycotted.I think that his responce was effective for the civil rights movement. When I read the letter I felt that his reason for boycotting was very understandable, it was very affective,and it was very truthful. I agree in that he was justified in what he did because he was asked to go to Burmingham. He did it with pride and nonviolence and that was why he won for African American's the rights, and to be treated farely.

  4. His response was effective, appropriate, and well written because it effected many people, and I think that he has the right to write that letter to the 8 clergymen. I think it was helpful for civil rights movement. When I read the letter I didn't understand it much but at some points I thought it was inspiring. I agree that he was justified in what he did and I don't agree with a the clergymen who criticized him.

  5. My thoughts are very strong about his letter. His response was effective to me. His letter was very appropriate and well written. He is a very good writer. I think that it was a very good movement in the civil rights. The letter was very strong in my opinion and I think it was strong to the clergy men to. While I was reading Dr. Kings letter, I felt like he was talking to me, and it was really good to put the bible part of it. I agree that he was justified because he was doing a stand, non-violent stand, for the Africans American. I don't know how to deal with that, like in a calm way. Dr. King was our hero!!

  6. I think his letter to the other priest was well put and, I think it was beautifully written. I think what he did was not bad at all; I think it was amazing! If I had to something like that, I would have got scared, and it wouldn't have change anything. I am very impressed about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I do agree with him for all he had done!

  7. I think he said it in a very smart way. He said wrote it in a smart way by not offending the other 8 people. It also helped the civil rights by helping them join together. Unfortunately he was in jail, but it became famous. Birmingham then became successful

  8. I think when Dr.King wrote his letter it was effective,well written,and appropriate. I think it was helpful to the civil rights movement,because alot of people got along no matter what race they were. When I read the letter I thought it was inspiring to his people.I agree that he justified in what Dr. King did;because all people didnt fight.

  9. I liked the letter that was about why he was boycotting. I think Dr. King's letter was appropriate because it told why he went to Birmingham. I felt sad for him because he didn't do anything wrong to the whites. I agree that he was justified in what he did. I think this because he wanted to stop segregation and let all people be equal.

  10. I think when Dr.King wrote his letter it was effective,well written,and appropriate.It help the civil rights because people of all races got along well.In the letter it siad why he was in birmingham; he was there to help stop segregation.I agree in that he was justified in what he did because he was asked to go to Burmingham. He did it with pride and nonviolence and that was why he won for African American's the rights, and to be treated farely.

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  12. It was effective because he didn't say anything bad and, if he did the clergymen would be writing back. It is appropriate because he didn't write anything bad but the clergymen did and he wanted to agree with him that there shouldn't be segregation because everyone were judging each other by there color. It was helpful because some of the white people followed him with his goal. I do agree with him because there would still be segregation in the town and people would be treated different without the change.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I think Dr. king's letter is one of the best letters i heard. I like how he wasn't vilont even though the people wrote bad things about him. Dr king said that birningham asked him to go, and that he needed to injustice the law. He said that he will answer their statements, and he tried to make them understand

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I really like the famous speech he made which changed the world," I HAVE A DREAM." It had very strong words about what he felt, and he did not write nothing on a paper. When i heard part of it, and heard the words, i knew it was going to be good because he uses very strong words. When he was put in the jail, they had no reason for doing it, But h still communicated with the people

  17. I really thought the letter was appropriate and that he was asking for forgiveness. He also used strong words. I also really liked the "I HAVE A DREAM." When he was reading the speech, he started to use his own words, and I thought he was a brave man. He also complemented them even though they were accusing him. He was also using strong words so he could make it effective, and I also thought his letter was well written.

  18. The letter was very effective. It was also well written and appropriate. Talked the truth. I felt sad when they called black people "Negro," and not Africans. . I think it was helpful for Civil Rights Movement. When I read the letter I didn't understand it much. I agree that he was justified in what he did and I don't agree with a the clergymen who criticized him for what he thought. Dr. king is a great man and he changed the lives of many. Even us today.

  19. Dr. king's letter response was effective, appropriate, well written, and helpful to the civil rights movement because it talked about the truth. I think its was helpful because i agree that he was justified in what he did. It was appropriate because he didn't write anything bad. Even though they killed him they didn't take his pride, everybody will miss him

  20. My thoughts about Martin Luther King Jr's letter was affective because it helped the civil rights movement because he stopped segregation.It was appropriate because it did not have bad language or anything that made them their fault.It also was well written because he was a good writer. My opinion is he should be justified because,after he stood up for his rights. Now he is our HERO!!

  21. Dr.King made his point in a respectful matter. He wasn't rude or mean he made a good point. This letter teached me that he did care a lot not only for himself but for others too. Dr.King; was justified and stood up for all of us he was brave!(:

  22. In my opinion I think Dr. King was a very brave man and this letter he wrote was very well written. Dr.King was not violent with people, but he was fair he didn't want everything to work out like he did so people would also follow him. His letter was so good and those police officer shouldn't have had never done that because if that were them then Dr.King did the same exact thing. Although,he was doing great for the country,and was brave with all he did until some had assassinated him. He is one HERO!!!!!!!!

  23. In my opinion I think is Dr. King was a brave man and he should be honored. Even though he went to jail, he was still a very brave. I think he should be justified because he stood up for his right , and his people was very well to here his speech. Now......he our HERO!

  24. In my opinion Dr.King's letter was amazing and well written. I also think that Dr.King's letter was effective,Appropriate, well written, and helpful to the civil rights movement. I felt proud of Dr,King's letter, because he had lots of courage to write back to the clergy man. Yes I thought he was justified because he had a lot of courage

  25. It was effective because Dr.King's letter was amazing and well written. Dr. King was a very brave man; he stood up for himself and wasn't afraid to tell people what he thought. The letter was very understandable, and it was written on a news paper! Dr. King justified because he was brave and he gave good reasons.

  26. It is appropriate because he didn't write anything bad but the clergymen did and he wanted to agree with him that there shouldn't be segregation because everyone were judging each other by there color. I felt sad for him because he didn't do anything wrong to the whites.

  27. The eight clergy men criticized Dr. King for what he said in his letter. My thoughts of Dr.King's letter is that he said it in a nice and non-violent way. What I think about Dr.king's letter is that it is effective and very appropriate,and really well written. I feel very good when I read Dr.kin's letter because he is the whole reason why we are free, I do not agree with the eight clergy men because I will never say anything to anyone who is trying to free our country. Why I agree with Dr.King is because if I would have of said it in a violent way because if Dr.King would have of said it in a violent way then there would have been war. EQUALITY FOR ALL EQUALITY FOR ALL FREE AT LAST FREE AT LAST!
