Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Science, Science, and more Science! . . .

Please describe what you're learning in Science (from your lab and textbook). What type of science are you currently studying? What is most interesting to you about your current science studies? Which parts are the most challenging to understand? What questions do you have for your science teacher or classroom teacher about your science studies right now?

Please write your response using at least 2 complex sentences (w/a subordinating conjuction) and 2 compound sentences.

Please USE YOUR SCIENCE TEXTBOOK and other materials to help you with specific details about your science studies.


  1. We are studding about the atmosphere. The most interesting is Energy in the earth's atmosphere. The most hardest one is The air around you. The question I have is a Why doesn't the dessert so hot and not a regular weather. When I'm in the science lab, I like to work on experiment;like Melting chocolate chips, weather, and much more. I also like to study different stuff, but it could be difficult.

  2. In science we are studying (chemistry)mixtures and compounds. In the science lab we are doing experiments with mixtures and compounds like evaporating water from salt water. In my opinion alloys are very interesting.Alloys are interesting because alloys are mixtures of metals. Sometimes it is hard to understand compounds.Compounds are hard to understand because you can't see it combine.

  3. I have learned incredible things this year atoms, mixtures, cells and lots more! We are studying chemistry right now. The most interesting thing I have learned is the periodic table. It has a lot of numbers and letters. The most confusing thing that we are studying is mixtures and the different kinds there is. There's also alloy and some other stuff that she expects us to do! I have tons of questions to ask Ms. Evans. Like when is the big test shes always talking about and why is she expecting us to copy her work when we should be the ones doing the work. I mean thanks but I want to be the one doing the work. I like going to science even though.

  4. What I've been learning this week in science is about the atmosphere. I learned that the atmosphere has radiation, convection, and conduction. I think the most interesting thing that I have learned is the atmosphere because the atmosphere the envelope of gases that surrounds the planet. The part that is the most challenging part to understand is greenhouse effect. I don't get how it works. One question that I have for the science teacher is, What is the greenhouse effect.

  5. Although people say physical science is harder than life science I disagree, in my opinion it's harder to memorize the body parts. So far in science we have learned about life science and now we are learning physical, in life science we learned about the systems in our body and in physical science we are learning periodic table, and the elements.

  6. Some of the things that we are learning in the science lab is all about air and light. One of our projects that we are doing is a solar cooker it cooks food from energy of the sun, and in the class room we are learning about the atmosphere, and we just learned a little but about winds. One interesting think is how to save energy and some of the answers are from the sun. The air pressure is kind of a hard thing for me to understand. I don't really have any questions right now about science, Although, there is one question, toward what direction dose a west wind blow? Whenever I am doing science, i enjoy it a lot because I want to be a doctor but to learn about bones so it is fun for me.

  7. We are learning about the atmosphere, and winds. About 25 percent of sunlight is reflected by clouds,dust, and gases in the air. 20 percent is absorbed by gases and particles in the atmosphere. There are also 4 types of winds. Local winds, sea breeze, land breeze, and Global winds. Each of them have a different job and an important one too.

  8. We are currently studying (chemistry) mixtures and compounds; I think mixtures are interesting because when we mix things we get fascinating stuff, like Kool Aid and ice cream. Since we're studying chemistry, it's hard and boring, but the most I have trouble is with the vocabulary because it's hard to memorize the definitions of the words. I don't really have any questions right now.

  9. I have been learning about the air around us, air pressure, about the layers of the atmosphere, energy in the earth's atmosphere, the heat transfer in the atmosphere, and all about the winds. I think the most interesting things was learning about the winds and how during the day the warm air rises on land, and the cooler air moves under the warm air on the water; and at night the cooler air moves under the warm air on the land, and the warm air rises on the water.

  10. The thing that I have learned is about the air around you and I have learned about the troposphere, stratosphere, and the mesosphere. The most interesting thing is about the ozone layer is important part of the earth because it help living things survive. The most challenging was about the longer and shorter waves I was having trouble on it especially about the colors but now I get it. I don't have any questions..???

  11. Today I am studying Section 6 Winds. The most intresting science studies are Layer of The Atmosphere and Winds. The most challenging part to understand is Heat Transfer in The Atmosphere, so I need to learn more about it. The Equator get more sun than any other place because the sun is more active their. When the anemometer measures the wind speed, but the wind vane measures the wind direction.

  12. In science I am learning about heat in the atmosphere, and I am currently studying heat transfer. The most interesting thing is how radiation, convection and conduction work together, but i think that temperature scales are difficult, and challenging to understand. I have one question for Mrs. Evens, how is heat transferred by radiation, convection and conduction.

  13. My class is learning about the layers of the atmosphere. I think it is really interesting to learn about this topic. The most interesting part that we are learning about is the troposphere. I don't really have any questions about the topic.

  14. In science lab we have been learning about solutions, compounds, and mixtures. We have been studying chemistry in both textbooks, and science lab. Since we are studying chemistry, the most interesting part is when we experiment the mixture and the solution. Although the most challenging part of science is when Mrs. Evens asks us questions, it is really challenging. This question is for Miss. Nivinskus, why don't we do an experiment in the classroom for the subject we are on, and then we could take notes or make flash cards.

  15. We are learning about how to separate mixtures, and mixtures. The most interesting thing is that if you want to separate salt water you have to make it hot, so the water can evaporate. Although it is fun, some part are hard to under stand like how water mixes with other kinds of chemicals. I would like to ask you the teacher, can you separate all kinds of mixtures?

  16. What I learned in science is mixtures and solutions. Because mixtures is an interesting to me, it is the right topic. The challenging part to understand is when we take a test, and sometimes I don't remember. The question is what is the difference between a solute, and a solvent?

  17. We are learning about mixtures, solutions, and how to separate mixtures. This type of science is chemistry. The most interesting thing to me that we're learning is how to separate mixtures because we made an experiment on separating salt from water. I don't think what were learning is challenging and I don't have any questions for Ms. Evans.

  18. We have been studying chemistry. The most interesting thing that I think we have been learning is mixtures and compounds. I don't think what were learning is challenging and I don't have any questions for Ms. Evans.

  19. We have been studying about Earths atmosphere. The most interesting part is the troposphere layer because its a thin layer that can block out the rays, ultraviolet radiation, and radiation. Because the troposphere has the ozone layer that protects us, that way we won't burn or die. The most challenging is how the atmosphere works together to help earth maintain life. I have no questions about the topic.

  20. What I am learning in science is how to separate solutions and mixtures, what I type of science I'm learning is solutions and mixtures. What is most interesting in science to me is how they mix the mixtures. The parts in science where I don't really get it is when they separate the mixtures. The questions I have for Mrs. Evans is how to separate mixtures.
