Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Book Club--your thoughts!

Please take a minute to reflect on your experience of our class Book Clubs. Please describe what you are learning about literary analysis through the Book Clubs you've participated in. Then tell what you think is the most interesting literary element in your analysis and why.

Please use at least 2 complex sentences and 1 compound sentence as you write.


  1. I like learning about Book Club. Since I like reading, Book Club is really exciting for me. Ive been learning lots of things and my favorite is genre. When my group and I meet, I am always wanting to say the genre that I think that the book is. In my opinion, really fun stumping my group with my questions and it is also fun hearing the comments that my group is saying. Learning about book club is really exciting.

  2. Before we had book club, I didn't learn about conflicts,themes,and antagonist. Another thing I have learned,is the gist, point of view, and genre. My favorite part is, how we get to answer the questions and about our thought,and how we get to do lots of literary analysis.

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  4. Whenever I read my Book Club book, I look for the point of view. My favorite part of Book Club is finding the themes, the conflict, and infering the main character's personality traits. I have learned how to identify the conflict and the climax in my book ever since I have been doing Book Club.

  5. As I am reading Book Club, I learn how to do themes, I am also learning how to do the gist. Before we had Book Club, I didn't learn about conflicts, I also didn't learn about inferring the antagonist is feeling on the chapter. Know that we have Literary analysis I learned how the setting changed, the main character causes more complication, and also point of view and using pronouns.

  6. As I read my Book Club, I learn about themes because the chapters I read, it really pops out to my mind. Although Book Club is fun, you get to learn something too. When the gist tells you to write the sequence of the story, its like you are telling a story to someone.

  7. Since I been reading book club, I've been leaning more about point of view, gist, genre, and types of conflict. In Book Club, to write the gist, you need to summarize the story. Although I know how to identify the theme, I still need a little help.

  8. Since my favorite part of litarary analysis is gist, I have to understand the book very well and be able to write a small summary. After we finish, the book we are doing in Book Club and our literary analysis paper we have to go pick another book and start a new literary analysis paper. So, in my opioion, the most interesting part is reading the book, and filling in the paper.

  9. Since I'm Book Club, I'm still learning how to do the gist, point of view, and genre. In my opinion the most important element is the gist, but it could some it could be a pain. Whenever I'm doing book club, I'm feeling great because I'm digging into my book.

  10. I like to learn more about Book Club. In Book Club, I'm learning more about finding the personality traits of the main character in my analysis. Since I like to read, I like to summarize the gist and how to put it in sequence of events. I like it because it gives me time to understand the book before I summarize the gist.

  11. Since I've been studying the Literary Elements,
    I've been learning how to find the climax, simile, metaphor, and personification. In Book Club, I'm learning how to read dramatically. The climax is one of the most important part of the story but it only happens ones.

  12. Since I am in a Book Club, I learn about themes, settings, and how to identify the point of view. The most interesting element of Literary Analysis is the point of view beacause it's simple to find the 1st person, 2nd person and 3rd person. When we start Book Club, we gather around in a circle, and say our ideas.

  13. Since I have been learning about Book Club, my favorite literary analysis Is identifying the conflict. I also like learning about the themes, because it is interesting trying to look for the theme's. I sometimes like predicting the future parts of the story, but then I like reading how the setting changed.

  14. After I read my Book Club book, I'm still learning how to do the gist, and how to identify the climax. I read my Book Club book, and do my literary analysis. Some literary analysis that I find interesting are the conflict and climax because they both have to do with the story of the problem and the solution.

  15. Since I like when an authors sends a message about life, I like identifying what the theme of a novel is. since we have been doing Book Club, I have been learning how to do dramatic reading, identifying the main person's personality traits, and identifying the point of view by using the pronouns. I'm also learning how to write the gist of a story, and the climax of a story

  16. Since I love PREDICT in my story, I always chose it as one of my eight in my literary analysis because it's so much fun just to predict if something's going to happen. When I'm in Book Club, I am learning a lot about personification, and I'm studying the major events of the story with the gist. When I'm in Book Club, I think that the most interesting literary element is PREDICT, you actually PREDICT about what will happen in the future parts in the story.

  17. Although I am learning point of view, I am still learning more about inferring the main character's personality traits. Before there was Book Club, I wasn't learning about gist, but now that we have Book Club I am learning more about gist. Since my favorite literary element is point of view, I have to indicate what point of view it is using pronouns.

  18. In Book Club, I'm learning how to identify themes, and I'm learning how to identify point of view. Since I'm doing Book Club, I'm thinking about the future parts of the book. Whenever I do Book Club, I choose personification and point of view, because I think those are the most interesting.

  19. Since I am learning themes, I am learning that there are a lot of themes such as ( good vs evil, loyalty, sacrifice, friendship, family, courage, coming of age, the Golden Rule, cycle of life, e.t.c). You can only choose one though. In my opinion, the literary element theme is my favorite; it is easy and interesting.

  20. Since I am learning how to do my literary analysis in Book Club, I know how to do the setting, infer, and point of view. While I am reading, I start to write in my literary analysis as the answers come from the book. I also study how to do the gist, but I do it everyday so I already know how to do all the questions.

  21. Since I've been reading in Book Club, I have been learning about themes, types of conflicts, and how to predict what's going to happen next in the story. Before I was in Book Club I didn't know about the antagonist, the protagonist, and inference. Because of Book Club I've been learning about different literary analysis strategies.

  22. Since I been learning how to identify simile and theme, I also identify many other elements. Whenever I identify point of view and theme, I have to understand the book to get it. What I think is very interesting is simile because you have to compare two things.

  23. Since I enjoy identifying themes in Book Club, I always pick it for one of my literary analysis. In Book Club,I am learning about the gist, and it is starting to get easier. When I am doing genre for one of my eight elements, I look for evidence to support my idea.

  24. What I learned in Book Club, was how to identify the point of view using pronouns, and I also learned how to do the gist. After we got the literary analysis sheet, I learned how to do the dramatic reading. The most interesting literary element is the dramatic reading because some of the books don't have many characters, and some don't have so much dialog as others.

  25. Point of view and themes are the ones I'm learning about most,because they're alot that I can do with it.I can do 1st person or 2nd person
    but it's different words.When, I do themes,there are alot of ideas that I can put but it's hard.My favorite one is the gist, because of the major events.
