Thursday, January 13, 2011

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., An American Hero

Please write 3 compound complex sentences that describe the life of Dr. King and the impact he made on America.


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  3. Because Dr. King died the people that were against him noticed that they might of killed him but they didn't take away his pride and joy and at the end Dr. King won! Although he was black he didn't care what people thought of him that's why he is so famous. If it wasn't for Dr. King we would all be separted and we would of not gotten good education, friendship's, and freedom that's why Dr.King is my hero!

  4. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    Since Dr. King believed in the rights of people, he made this world a better place, and now he sleeps with pride.

    Dr. King was a great man, who put the rights of others first, because he believed that together we can make all blacks and others united.

    While leaving his hotel room, Dr. King was shot on April 4th, twas a sad day in history.

  5. equality for all !!!!


  6. Because of Dr. King, he made the world better and stopped segregation. When Dr. King wanted to stop segregation, he got arrested and got shot when he finished his speech. Even though Dr. King died, he was a great man because of what he did and what he said in his speech.

  7. When Dr. King was a civil right person, he wrote lots of speeches, and changed the whole world. Dr. King said his speech,before he said " I have a dream",and made history. While Dr. King left the hotel, on April 4 Dr. king was shot in the back of his head. They took his life but not his pride. Let Martin Luther King Jr. Rest In Peace. "Free at Last, Free at Last, Free at Last!"

  8. Since Dr. King stopped segregation, people are treated fairly, and people respect him now. Although he died, his pride still lives, and nobody will never forget him. As Dr. King said his speech, everyone started clapping, and the people were holding their signs.

  9. Because Dr. King he was part of the boycott, he made many speeches. One famous speech was " I HAVE A DREAM," and this speech changed the world.

  10. The world would still be a disaster, if Dr. King would have had not said his speech, and if he had not had that dream.

    Dr.King was a brave man, although he got shot and died, he is still a hero to us.

    April 4 was the day he got shot,although he got shot at the Memphis hotel, we should all thank him for what he did.

  11. If Dr. Martin Luther King wasn't a leader for the civilization, we wouldn't have freedom. He was also very brave because he said his speech and made the world a better place,if he hadn't said his speech me and my sister would be apart. His speech was very important, because it made a difference of the color skin and it made a huge difference

  12. Before, Dr. King died, he changed the world. After he died, they put "free at last free at last thank god almighty I'm free at last". When he said his speech he didn't write it down

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  14. After he was done with his speech, Dr. King went back to his hotel, and he got assassinated.
    When he was done with his speech, he touched the peoples hearts, and he managed to set them free.
    Because he got assassinated, he was a civil rights hero, and he set everybody free.

  15. Because Dr. King worked hard to end segregation, America is a better place to live, and he is still respected all over the country. Since Dr. King said his I have a dream speech, he changed the country,and many people look up to him.If it wasn't for Dr.King some people wouldn't be able to have some of our friends, we would not be able to be together, and people with dark skin wouldn't be treated the same.

  16. Dr. King was a great man, who put the rights of others first because he believed that together we can make all blacks and others united.

  17. When Dr. King left his hotel room he got shot, all the neighbors herd the shot, and called the cops.

    While Dr. King began to say his speech, the crowd began to cheer.

    If Dr. King never cared about the racism then there would stil be racism, but sence he did care, now there's no racism.

  18. Since Dr. King said his speech, the people changed and he became a hero.
    After Dr. King's speech "I Have a Dream", the people respected him, and he changed segregation all over the country.
    When Dr. King got shot, all the people were sad, and they never forgot him.

  19. Dr. King got assassinated after he made his speech, but he became a American hero. Because Dr. King believed in freedom, he became a civil rights leader, and told his speech. Dr. King told his "I have a dream" speech, and then he went back to his hotel and was assassinated.

  20. If Dr. Martin Luther King wasn't a leader for the civilization, we wouldn't have freedom. He was also very brave because he said his speech and made the world a better place. If he hadn't said his speech me and my sister would be apart. His speech was very important, because it made a difference of the color skin and it made a huge difference

  21. The world would still be a disaster if, Dr. King would have had not said his speech, and if he had not had that dream.

    Dr.King was a brave man although, he got shot and died, he is still a hero to us.

    April 4 was the day he got shot although, he got shot at the Memphis hotel, we should all thank him for what he did.

  22. Since Dr. King stopped segregation, people are treated fairly, and people respect him now. Although he died, his pride still lives, and nobody will never forget him. As Dr.King dies everyone still appreciate him for what he did,and those people who killed him will be ashamed.

  23. After he said his I have a dream speech, everyone made him our leader. Although he died, everyone was free at last. Since he stopped segregation, everyone will never forget him.

  24. Because Dr. King made his speech, it made a better place, and gave people freedom. I think he was very brave, but I think he was very scared when he was saying his speech. Since Dr. King made his speech, and then he died, his saying "free at last!" will always live on! :)

  25. Since Martin Luther King Jr. was a brave now we have a day of in school. Before Martin Luther King Jr. died, he went to a hotel. They took his life but not his pride. If Martin Luther King Jr. wasn't as brave as his was we wouldn't be free of racism.

  26. When Dr.King said his speech, he was very honored and passionate. People were very proud when Dr. King did his speech. When he got shot in the head, the people never forgot him.

  27. When Dr.King gave his speech, the white and black people were shaking hands, but he also got killed because of it. That speech he gave was beautiful, which is why we will never forget him.

  28. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was in the boycott, he got arrested, and he wrote a message to the pastors because he was a pastor. After they let him out he lead the civil rights, and while they were walking they were singing, "We will over come." While he gave his speech, he said,"free at last free at last god all mighty free at last and then a few days later he was going to lead the parade and he got shot his life was taken but not his pride.

  29. Because Dr. king made his speech "I Have A Dream" segregation stopped, and he became a hero.
    Although Dr. King got shot, his pride still lives,and he made the world a better place.
    Dr. king was a brave man, because he mad us free and helped the world be a better place.

  30. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave a great speech " free at last free at last". Since he gave that speech we got freedom because he believed in freedom, he became the civil rights leader
