Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Who's a Bully?"

Please take a minute to reflect on your reading of the article "Who's a Bully?". What do you think the difference is between joking around or teasing and bullying. When does joking become bullying? What strategies can young people use to help themselves when they feel bullied? What types of bullying occur the most today for young people? Why do you think this is happening?


  1. Many people get bullied some reasons are how they dress, who they hang out with, and if they are cool or not. Getting bullied can hurt people's feeling about them self and some people have to go to therapists. I think that there is a difference in bulling some on or joking around but many people are very sensitive and don't like when people even just joke around. Some people, that are bullies say there just jk at the end they won't get in trouble but in the inside they are not. Strategies that people can use is stand up for them self, tell the teacher, or have good friends that will always cheer you up.Bulling mostly occurs during school and after school.

  2. In my opinion, teasing and joking around are like the same thing to me because, it like if you are still hurting someones feeling. You know you have hurt them or embarrassed them if they feel left alone, and even though you aren't the bully you should not be the one that is laughing at the person. It makes her or him feel left out instead you should feel sorry and go up to them and say if they are okay and let them have a little time alone and then go play. To me joking is sometime bad like let say you make a joke well that fine, but if you take it to far then it hurts someone. These joking things and pranks can hurt someone and more. Some strategies are you can go up to them play or if they want to be left alone tell them if they want anything just to call them or go up to them make them laugh or if they are crying you could also help take the to the bathroom to wipe their tears. Some people also cry because some people are very emotional and like they do not like it at all. To me the types of bullying that occurs is cyber bullying and it because people just write mean text and sometimes when other people may go on someones else facebook,myspace, and any other chatting websites. These people go on and tell the person friend thing and it make a huge problem,because that other person may think it is the friend then it like an argument. I think this is happening because some of these bully's just like to play around but they do know how these people feel,or maybe it because no one was ever nice to that person at that time.

  3. Bulling is a dreadful thing to do. I have been bullied but I try to defend myself. There is a BIG difference between joking around and teasing. Joking around is both laughing and having fun but teasing is only the bulling laughing and the other felling sad. Sometimes, the joke does turn into bullying when the bully takes thing to far. Since bulling is wrong, young people should get adults. There are lots of ways to bully and bullying is getting worse with technology.

  4. In between joking and bullying are sometimes the same thing because joking can sometimes hurt someone's feelings.If people ever get hurt they should tell an adult, or either ignore them. The most bulling I see is when they leave someone out of something. I think this is happening because they sometimes don't like the person and sometimes of how they dress.

  5. I think the difference between joking around and tesing or bullying is that one can make something funny without hurting or saying something mean about someone else, then the other is where it could hurt people and make them really sad. When people start getting hurt, that is when joking becomes bullying. When you get hurt, some things you can do is tell an adult that you know, or you could just ignore someone and tell your parents or an adult when you see them next. Types of bullying, I think, today is online. I think this is happening because the people who are bullying either feel really good when they do or because they are getting treated bad by someone else.

  6. I don't really think there is a difference in joking or bullying, but it depends what you do or say. If you start "joking" around with your friends a lot, it'll start to get fun so you will want to do it even more. People can just keep mean things to themselves; I think mean "jokes" are bullying. It depends what they've said and if they have said it in front of people. I think Cyber-bullying is the most common right now, and even a text message or an e-mail can hurt someones feelings. This is mostly happening because kids think "Oh, if I bully people that will make me cool!" I wouldn't like to be bully someone or be bullied myself.

  7. I think the difference between joking around and teasing is that teasing can actually hurt somebody's feelings really bad, and joking around you would usaully say "oh, im just kidding." Joking becomes bullying when the person is most hurt. People who are being bullied can just ignore or walk away from the bully, that is what I would do to help myself feel more confident. I think that bullying occurs most after school and on the internet because after school your not really supervised by the staff that much. On the internet maybe your parents aren't home so you think it's funny!If I were being bullied I would talk to my mom, or maybe even a teacher, about the problem.

  8. Joking around or teasing is still being a bully but you might just be playing around; it can still hurt someone deep inside. The difference about teasing and joking is like teasing is making fun of like calling people names. Joking becomes bulling when you start to get used to it and be saying it all the time and hurt peoples feelings. If someone is feeling bullied they can tell a teacher if you are at school, and if your not at school you can tell a parent. I think young people occur there bulling at school to tease or to play around. Before you say sometehing say it in your head see how you will feel if someone says it to you.

  9. I think bulling is a horrible thing to happen to a kid. I think joking and teasing with friends is bad because I makes the other person feel bad about them self. Some strategies for kids is to just ignore them or talk to a teacher or parent. The most type of bulling I see today is face to face bulling; I think this is happening because bullies threatening kids if they tell any one the will beat them up or make fun of them.

  10. The difference between bulling, teasing or joking, is bulling is very mean. Joking is kind of mean because you say just kidding at the end. You can hurt somebody feelings too. I think young people occur that bulling should not be at school because sometimes you can be in a fight. Before you say something, say it in you head first.

  11. What I think is the difference between joking and teasing or bullying is that joking is playing around with each other and teasing is just like joking too, but bullying is when you get beat up, or get scared and maybe get a heart attack, or get threatened. When ever someone jokes around with someone and they don't go with it the bully will get really angry and that is when it starts a fight. What stratigies I ave for people is to just laugh whenever you are getting bullied and the bully would just stop. The places mostly when someone gets bullied is after school because no teachers can see them and the bullies just get away with it.

  12. The difference is from joking around and teasing is that joking around you are playing around and teasing you hert someones feelings and bullying you call someone names and they get their feelings hert. When Joking around turns to bulling it is when they keep doing "I am just kidding," and the other person they get mad and the person that just kidding turn into a bully because he is going to play around to other people. One strategy is go tell someone that is older because they can get the bully into trouble. The most types of bullies are in the internet because there is new stuff on the web.

  13. I think the difference between joking around, teasing, and bulling is that teasing is calling people names and bulling could be physical. Joking becomes bulling when the bully is joking, so then the bully starts bulling. They could walk away, or tell a teacher or parent; those could be some strategies. I think verbal, and rumors occur the most today for kids. I think this is happening because other kids want to get even, popular, and want to feel more powerful.

  14. I think that most bullying happens in the field because the adults can't really see you. Sadly, the most cyberbulllying happens on Facebook, Myspace, Twitter, and blogs

  15. The difference between bullying and joking is that when you joke around with someone you only do it one time but when you bully someone it happens every day. So when you joke around every day with someone it turns to bullying. The people who get verbally bullied can just ignore it or go along with it so the bully would get bored of bullying you. The most bullying that occurs is verbal,rumors, and cyber bullying. This happens because of the new technology and some people who doesn't like someone makes fun of them.

  16. I think the difference between joking around, teasing, and bullying is that bullying is calling people names and leaving out and even punching or hitting someone. Teasing is calling people names. Joking becomes bulling when someone makes fun of another person. Some strategies kids can use are: when they feel like bulling they can think about how they would feel if they got bullied or just walk away, and maybe tell a adult or parent. The most common bulling form is verbal, I think verbal bulling is most common because kids want to tease other kids up front. I think this is happening because some kids do not know how to express their feeling, or to get back at someone, or even to be more popular.

  17. When someone is cridisising you,or hitting you that could be called bullying. The different between all of them is that joking is only is only one time, teasing is make-fun of the person, and bullying is making fun of the person and hitting. Joking around becomes bullying when you make-fun of the person all the time and don't leave them alone. The strategies people can use when there bullied are tell them to stop and tell them what they have agenct me, but if they don't stop, talk to an adult about how you feel. The type of bullying that occur today is cyber bullying and cridisising. The reason I think is happening is because maybe the bullies don't get as much attention then how there bullying,or it could be because there trying to let there feelings out. P.S. It's not fun being bullied.

  18. Joking around is different from teasing because joking around is when you are playing tricks on them. Joking around starts to become bullying when the jokes start to be more serious and they start to hurt the persons feelings. When you are teasing somebody you don't know if the person is sensitive, and it might hurt the persons feelings. When the person is bullied its when they spread bad rumors that are not true about you. They also hit you and do other things to you. Strageties that they can use is to tell an adult. Another strategy that they can use is to stand up to them and show that you are not scared. I think the bullying is mostly happening when school is out because that's when the teachers are not there and they do what ever they want. The bullying that occurs today is cyber bullying and physical.

  19. The most common bulling happens during and after school. It mostly happens online on Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter. Joking becomes bulling when the bully is joking, so then the bully starts bulling.
