Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, fantastic students! So, what did you do on your vacation? Who did you see? Were you busy, or did you relax? Tell me all about it! . . .


  1. Over Christmas break I went to Mammoth Lakes; there I went snowboarding with my mom. On Christmas day, I was at my mom's house in the morning and in the afternoon I was at my dad's house. On New Years Eve I went to a party; however; I stayed up untill 3:30 A.M. On New Years Day Brenda, one of my very good friends, came over to my house.

  2. Over Christmas break I went to my cousin's house; in their house we were playing lots of games. On Christmas we ate lots of food; however, I liked the Enchiladas the best. On this day I stayed up late December 24, 2010; December 25,2010; December 31,2010; and January 1, 2011.

  3. On Christmas I went to my cousin's house for Christmas; however, I also went to my house to celebrate it for my presents and my family's presents. At my cousin's house we ate tamales and mole; however, I ate tamales. On these days I slept late December 24,2010;December 25,2010;December 31,2010;and January 1,2011

  4. On Christmas My brother from New, York, New York came we went to my grandma's house all of my famaly went, we wait until 12:00 at night to open our presents I got a bike, cloths, and new soccer cleats. I stayed up until 4:00.On New Day Years I stayed at home and stayed up untill 12:00

  5. What I did on New Years is I went my Grandparent's House and we had so much fun there. My cousins were the last one to be there. I didn't have much fun because my favorite cousins weren't here. Also, because I have three baby cousins and one that is really annoying little cousin. I was really relaxed there. I was it could be News Year again.

  6. On my vacation I stayed home and relaxed at home. At Christsmas Eve my mom cooked the bestest food ever. She made pasta, salad, and turkey. In my opinion it was the besest food I've ever eaten. I saw my uncle Q, my uncle Michel, my mom the bestest on earth, my dad the coolest of them all, my sister the most annoying one, and my two brothers the ones who think that they are all that. I was not really busy but at night we went to chrurch and then we came back and ate my moms delicous food. When we were done we danced a little and then my uncle and cousin. They brought posole and we all ate a little bit. It was so good that my little brother wanted seconds but he really never eats seconds. Thats what I did on my vacation.=)

  7. on my vacation i stayed at my house and all my cousins and uncles and aunts came over; it was really fun. i saw my great great aunt and uncle. i had a relaxing vacation; i wish it would of been a 3 week vacation

  8. During my vacation I mostly just slept and went on facebook. For Christmas we went to my older sister boyfriends house and we all opened our presents; ate; played x box; and just talked it was a really fun Christmas Eve, therefore on Christmas day my mom, step dad, and I went to down town Disney to just walk around. On New Year's Eve and I went to my aunt's house I had a lot of fun I ate really great food, wrestled with my cousin's, watched the ball drop in New York on TV, and I waited for the countdown. At the end I went to sleep at 2:07! It wasn't a bad Christmas or New Year I actually loved it! c(:

  9. On vacation for Christmas I stayed home with my family, played games, and ate homemade food. For New Year's we went to my aunt's friend's house but it was really boring. We stayed up until 5:00 a.m. and I woke up at 9:30 a.m, therefore I was extremely tired the next day.

  10. On Christmas I went to my cousin's house. I watched T.V. and played with my cousins. We opened our presents at 10:00 p.m. I got a video game, clothes, soccer gloves, and a PlayStation3. On New Year's I also went to my cousin's house. I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. I woke up at 10:00 a.m. but I wasn't tired.

  11. On Christmas vacation i stayed home with my family to celebrate Christmas. We ate tamales, spaghetti, and chicken; and for desert we ate cheesecake. we ended up really stuffed. Then it was 12:00 a.m. we opened our presents, and then we went to sleep at 4 in the morning; i was really tired. I had a tiring, sleepy, and relaxing vacation!

  12. *Ho ho ho*
    Happy New Year! & A Merry Christmas

    On Christmas Eve I went to my cousins' house; we stayed there until Christmas Day. For New Year's, I stayed home; however, I had a fantastic time. On New Year's Eve( an awesome holiday) I stayed up until 12:00 in the morning; however, the next day I woke up at 9:00 in the morning. My mom (a fun loving person) made tamales on New Year's Day; however, one came out burnt, because it was a runt. So on vacation I ended up staying mostly at home, but i had a GREAT vacation!!!! =D

  13. On NEW YEARS I HAD A really huge party, however it lasted two days and there was still food left over. When we were there, my cousin taught me how to play poker. it was fun and easy, and i kept winning them except my other cousin he beat me.

  14. Over vacation I did many things! I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what my presents were going to be. Then on Christmas Eve Night I went to my Grandmother's house and had a lot of different types of food; we had turkey, tamales, greek food, and a lot more! Christmas morning, we opened all of our presents. Usally on Christmas, we would go to everyone house but this time everyone came to my house because my mom was very ill on Christmas and couldn't leave the house; that was the one bad thing on Christmas! On New Years Eve, I went to my grandmother's house again; She did not want to stay awake until midnight! She was too tired from driving around all day because it takes fter along time to get to her house! I played a lot more with my presents after New Years! :) I had a great Christmas, what about you? :D

  15. Its Christmas and a New Year!! Whats more exciting than those two holidays. On Christmas we went to my house; however, i wanted to celebrate it at my house. I opened my presents at 12.00am; it was really fun.On New Year my family were having fun and celebrating a New Year! Now that I think about it, my family and I went to my cousins house a lot. We went over there on December 24,2010; December 25,2010; and December 31,2010. My vacation was GREAT!

  16. On Christmas I went to my uncles house. We ate tameles, wings, and cheesecake; and drake ponche. My cousin and I snuck out and got a present. Then we played for the rest of the day
    On newyears I visited my aunt and my friends. My mom made ponche and pozole. I played modern warfare and fifa 11 all night, until 3pm. :]
