Monday, December 13, 2010

Happy December!

Happy last week of school before vacation, everyone! Here's our prompt for today--"What are you looking forward to for your upcoming vaction? Who will you see? What will you do? What are you anticipating to be relaxing and fun? Tell me all about it! . . .

Please remember to use commas and semi-colons appropriately as you write. I'd like you to challenge yourself to write sentences that use commas for introductory phrases and interrupters or appositives; and I'd like you to use semi-colons for your compound sentences. Happy writing! :-)


  1. I am looking forward to seeing my friends and family on Christmas Day! I am hoping to see my Mom, my favorite mother in the world; Dad, the funnest of them all; brother, the one who is the trouble maker; Diana, a friend who is there for me when I fall; Christain, my best guy-friend the world; and Nadime the bestest friend I have ever had. We are going to wake up, eat breakfast, open presents, and then we go to other houses to see our family! After, we will go out to dinner and have the rest of the day to just us! When the day is over, we will talk together and then wait for the next day!

  2. I am looking forward to having my brother home for the Marines. He is 18 and in the Marines. I will see my brother, his girlfriend, and my nephew. We buy many presents; it has to be something they like. In addition, I might were a dress. I don't like dresses only if I choose it. Finally, we will drink apple juice and eat delicious Mexican food.

  3. For this Christmas, I will be going to Palms Spring. I will also go to my Spring. I will also go to my grandmas house so I get to see her. while I am there, I will also go Christmas shopping. My mom also said that we will be going to Big Bear or Yosemite national park.
    An even better, my cousin will be coming with me. In addition,my mom said that I could bring a friend. Furthermore, I will
    also be go over to my cousins house for Christmas Eve.

  4. I am looking forward to my presents,I hope I get a lot! My family and friends will be there; maybe even my dog Cupcake. I want the party to be relaxing and fun, because that way if i get tired, i can sleep better. The fun part is playing with my friends! The food is delicious because their are tamales, flan, cake, posole, and Jello. Usually, we open our presents at 12:00am. Two years ago i got clothes, a Karaoke machine, and i forgot the other thing. My mom did a joke on my sister and gave her a Ramon Noodle cup, soda, and salsa. It was very funny, and we took pictures.

  5. I am looking forward to going to my aunt's house on Christmas vacation. I really want to go over there because its really fun, and we play games; It's really fun. For Christmas I am going to see my aunts, uncles, and my god mother and father. We will play a lot of games around the house; It is really fun. We will eat tamales and tacos, some delicious Mexican Food, for Christmas. I anticipate that opening the presents and eating the delicious food that my aunt makes, in addition, hanging out with my cousins will be relaxing and fun.

  6. On Christmas vacation, I might be going to my Padrino's house; is is going to be very fun. I will also play with the dogs they have, and play basketball. After that, we will open our presents. Until then, we will make a barbecue, hot dogs, burgers, and many other things! That is what I will do on y vacation.

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  8. I'm looking forward to our family's "Secret Santa." How that works is my mom, brother, and I all go to my cousin JJ's house to pick out the names for "Secret Santa" on the day before Christmas Eve. My aunt has a hat full of all our names written on little pieces of paper, so then she tells all of us to pick one. When we do we go out and buy one present for that person; it has to be something they like. Then on Christmas Eve we go back to my aunts house and give that person their present and watch them open it. I think that the " Secret Santa" idea is awesome and fun. The funnest part is that I has a lot of cousins and aunts, so they know what we like. All my cousins, aunts, and uncles names are: JJ, Omar, Jessica, Anthony, Canesh, Tia Maribel, Tio Placido, Tia Marcela, Tio Bocho, my mom, and me!

  9. Christmas coming. As a result, me and my family are going to my aunt's house in Palm Springs.

  10. one thing I'm going to do is go to my grandmas house and they are going to make chicken and white spaghetti. they make it good in the oven. I think they might make lasagna. when they make lasagna, they put veges in it which make it good

  11. On Christmas vacation i might go to Mexico, Tanaco; it is going to be very fun. In addition, our family is going to our cousin's house for Christmas party and we are going to open the presents. We are going to eat tamales, champurado, tacos de asada , and some Mexican bread. On Happy News Years we are going to stay up late to say the count down. Happy New Years and a Merry Christmas. :) :) !

  12. I'm looking forward to go to Disneyland and come back home celebrate and open gifts. On Christmas I will see my uncle, two of my cousins, friends, and family. We may go to Disneyland; but I'm mostly sure we will celebrate and open gifts. I'm anticipating that going to Disneyland will be fun; and going home to celebrate and open gifts will also be relaxing: I think?

  13. I'm looking forward to Christmas. As a result, I will have lots of presents to appreciate. My aunts, who are going to come over on Christmas, are going to cook a special dinner. We will eat dinner and at 12:00 we will open the presents; everyone will sleepover my house, I think. On Christmas morning we will play with our awesome presents!

  14. This Christmas vacation for one week im going up North to see my dad and his family. When we are up there were going to play in the snow, Fish Hatchery, Golden Gate Bridge, and go to the movies. Were going to fly on a airplane so it going to save us 8 hours because by car its 10 hours but on plane its only 2 hours. Down in Costa Mesa im going to see my family up in a town called Glendale im going to see my grandma, cousins, and my uncles. That's everything im going to do during vacation.

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  16. Christmas is coming! As a result, i might get what i want. I will see my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. We will eat my stepmother's special cookies, some turkey and potatoes. On Christmas morning i will wake up my mom early and open presents. Then i will go to my dad's house and open presents there. I will go to the mountains with my mom on December 17. I think i will have a awesome Christmas.

  17. For Christmas vacation, I am looking forward Christmas because I will be with my family. I will see my two uncles, two aunts, three cousins, who are very small and young, my grandpa,and my mom's cousin. I will play with my cousins; I will eat chicken, tacos, and chips. What I'm anticipating to be fun is to get my PlayStation 3 for Christmas and play it on the weekend.

  18. I am looking forward to a Christmas party, and having my baby sister's birthday. I will see some of my relatives and friends. What I'm anticipating to have fun and relax is my presents, but I will also have fun with some of my family sleeping over.

  19. What I am looking forward to Christmas is I am going to my Grandparent's House. I love Christmas because I get to see my favorite cousins and my baby cousin. He is only one years old! On Christmas Eve, when my cousin comes, we play like a game called......I forgot, but I always play a game with them every time they come over. I wish it was Christmas already! I think when I come over, I will have a great time with them. It will be very fun!

  20. I'm looking forward to be meeting my friend in Mexico, and I am going to see my grandmother.
    We are going to my grandma's house, and are going to make tamales, ham, and chicken. On Christmas when I am at my Grandmas house we will open our presents and stay up all night and play with them. After we open our presents; we will go home and go to sleep.

  21. Christmas is my favorite holiday. I am looking forward to a happy holiday with my family. As a result, my whole family is going to one special house. Our traditions are really unique. I will give thanks to god and play with my niece and nephews. My sisters, Nayely and Michelle, are really looking forward to dance all night. I hope I get a bow and arrow; it would be red. Christmas is a really happy holiday!!!=)

  22. Christmas is coming as a result, my brother is coming from New York, all of my family is going to my grandma's house. My family stays up until 12:00 to open our gifts. I'm also looking forward for my soccer tournament on January 1st and 2nd, I hope my team gets in first place. I'm also looking forward for my new soccer cleats to come because my brother is getting me the new Cristiano Ronaldo cleats

  23. I can't wait until Christmas! I will see my cousins at his house, but I might not see one of my cousins because they are going to L.A.. I think I might see my sister again from San Francisco, California; she will be here longer because it is two weeks. In Christmas eve and wait until 12:00 to open presents.

  24. Christmas is coming. As a result, my family is going to my godmothers house; we will trade presents and eat pozole. I will stay up till 4 am playing modern warfare 2.
