Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Your Weekend!

How was your weekend?
Please write a paragraph about your weekend that desribes what you did, who you saw, and how you felt. Please include 2 compound sentences with semi-colons.


  1. My weekend was very great. On Saturday, I went to my grandma and grandpa's house! While I was there; I had a good time! We went to the park, and we went to the movies. Now Sunday was Halloween and it was very fun but it wasn't as fun as it could be. Sunday I spent the whole day with my cousin, Nikki. Sunday was the best part of the day. My brother, Michael, Nikki, and I all went together to get candy; there was one problem though, there barly any houses to go to. Well there was but not as many as last year. My weekend was great but could have been better!! :)

  2. On Halloween I went trick or treating at 6:55; I was a tiger. I went trik or treating with my half brother, dad, and my step mom. After that I went to my mom's house because my dad had to go to Santa Barbra the next day and my step mom couldn't take me home the next day. At my mom's house i went trick or treating with with her. I had a great time with my family; I also enjoyed getting the delicious

  3. My weekend was really great; i went trick or treating with my cousins and i got a lot of candy.There also wasn't many people trick or treating.When we were going home i felt so excited because now i got to eat candy;we also got to trade the candy we did not like.

  4. Last week I went to my friends Josnly's Halloween party. It was really fun. The people who went were Shandey, Alinne, Carolina, Diana G. Both Chris's , Eliot, Bryan, Carolina, Rickey, Victor, and manay more people. We danced alot and we had nachos. At firsts I felt shy to dance but then I didn't really didn't care.

  5. This weekend I went trick or treating. I got a hole pilliow case full of candy. It will take me a very long time to eat it all but i will evantually. I got alot of choclate I also got dark choclate but i give it to my mom but my mom wont let me eat that much of it. Im am getting extremly mad at my dog because every second I leave my room he runs in and grabs my choclate. Another thing is choclate is poisiones to dogs. Thats pretty much everything I did this weekend

  6. On my weekend I went trick or treating with my friend, so I would have somebody to go with. We went to scary houses; my friend for some reason he got less candy than me, even though we went to the same houses that I went. We also shared osme candy with other people becuse i had a lot; we ate pizza after we finished. That is what I did on my weekend.

  7. My weekend was really horrible because I lost my game 2 to 0. Something has happened with us we were in first place and now we are in third placebecause we lost the past three games that we played.

  8. This week i went to see my sister with my family. We went to see her because she was going to have a baby. She had a baby girl. Her name was Jasmine, but her name is the same as her. Her name is spelled with a z in Jazmine. When she was born she had really big eyes, and when she cries she breathes.

  9. On my weekend I went trick or treating with my friends; it was fun and funny at the same time and I got a lot of candy. On Monday i stayed home and I did my chores. Then i went outside and gave some of my halloween candy away; because I had so much candy. My frinds were so happy because they got candy; lots of candy.

  10. My Halloween Weekend
    My Halloween weekend was very fun because I got to spend it with my family. For Halloween I went TRICK-OR-TREATING with my mom, brother, cousins, Aunt, Uncle, and my baby bunny Oreo! I got a lot of candy; and I was holding Oreo while I was getting the candy. I love the houses that were decorated, like the big scary pirate one! I loved that one because 2 people were in coffins, but they looked dead, which was pretty awesome. Before Halloween I had a soccer game on Saturday; I played a good game, but my team and the other team both tied 0-0. I was so close to scoring a goal, but the other team had a very good goalie. I love my Halloween Weekend it was really FUN!~ =D

  11. What I did in the weekend is that I had a party with a lot of people. It was really fun we got nachos and chili cheese hot dogs. At the end when evrybody left only two people stayed behind and they slept over. But some of my friends couldnt sleepover.

  12. My weekend was really exciting. On Friday night I went to the park to go play soccer. Then I went to 7 eleven I got some cheetos and hot choclate. The next day I had to clean up; and then my cousin came over. We decied we were goin to a web show so then we started our very first video it was fun. So the next thing I decied to do is that we were going to do Dynamite then that we were goin to post on Youtube.com or maybe on facebook it was the best video we had done. Then in the night I had gone with my dad, we had rented a movie. I had saw the Karate Kid it was the best movie of the year.

  13. My weekand was great; when I went trick or treating; I saw some of my freinds when I went trick or treating. In some of the houses it was funny, scary, and wonderful. In one house we were going out of it and then they tried to scare us. But we didn't so we were about to get to the other house; when they came out of no where and scared us with a chainsaw. That was the most scariest house that I went to that night. Also the house that I got the most lollipops from.

  14. On my weekend I didn't go trick or treating because I didn't have a halloween costume; didn't want to go trick or treating. My brother said if I wanted a costume or a video game i said a video game; I got Fifa 11.

  15. I didn't like my weekend because I was sick; I also had fun because I did a volcano project for school. I also went to go see my nephew, Matteo;he is so cute.

  16. On Halloween, I came over to my cousin's house and I was playing outside a little. Then I went home and I changed into my costume, and I went back to my cousin's house. I was cat for Halloween. It is always fun when you trick-or-treating on Halloween. The candy I most like was the Sour Patch. It was really yummy!!! After that, I went home and I dumped out my bag and I looked at my candy and it was a lot of good candy!

  17. It was really fun. Saturday was BORING; Sunday, was awesome!! We went to the mall and got Jamba Juice. We got back around 5:30pm; me and my sister put our costumes on and went to Jocey's party. I had fun because there was music, food, and games. We danced. ate nachos, chips, cookies, fruit punch with EYEBALLS inside, cake, pizza, and hot dogs. Then we went upstairs and watched people playing on the WII and XBOX 360. We left to go trick-or-treating and I went back to her party by myself. I hope next year is better!! :))

  18. My weekend was very fun because on Halloween I went to Joselyn's Halloween party; also her step dad was a D.J. her dad had a smoke machine and we were using it; my friend Ashley sat on Diana Goodling because of all the smoke. The thing we did for hours was dancing and singing. Some of the things we ate were nachos with chili and sour cream and chese, and we also ate hot dogs. When it was all finished we played a balloon game and we were also playing with fluffy wich is Joselyn's dog and that was my Halloween by going to Joselyn's halloween party

  19. My weekend was fun; I went Trick-or-Treating around my neighborhood. I a saw both my cousins; one is only 6 and he talks a lot. I was sad and happy because we were going to go Trick-or-Treating early;I was sad because one of my cousins wasn't ready so we went at 6:20. Then I had a small party.

  20. What I did this weekend was go trick or treating with my family. First of all, we went almost the whole neighborhood; it was fun seeing all the houses decorated. Secondly,there were some scary houses as well. There was one that was a pirate house and was really scary. Lastly, there were a lot of candy that I liked; the candy was like Jolly Ranter, lickerish, and lots more. With my family I went trick or treating.

  21. This is what I did this weekend; it was fantastic. On Saturday I played at my cousin's house because he wanted me to go; if I get bored I leave. On Sunday I played my brother's XBOX360, but before I played he said if I finished my home work and i said I needed to read. Then a little later I had to go to church; after that my cousin said if I wanted to go to his house I said " Tell my mom." and she said yes. So after I came home my mom said if I wanted to go Trick or Treating and I said yes but she said I had to dress up but I didn't want to so I said I didn't want to but she said i didn't want to. Then I when I came home I ate some candy. That was my fantastic weekend and what I did.
