Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Who's a Bully?"

Please take a minute to reflect on your reading of the article "Who's a Bully?". What do you think the difference is between joking around or teasing and bullying. When does joking become bullying? What strategies can young people use to help themselves when they feel bullied? What types of bullying occur the most today for young people? Why do you think this is happening?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Science, Science, and more Science! . . .

Please describe what you're learning in Science (from your lab and textbook). What type of science are you currently studying? What is most interesting to you about your current science studies? Which parts are the most challenging to understand? What questions do you have for your science teacher or classroom teacher about your science studies right now?

Please write your response using at least 2 complex sentences (w/a subordinating conjuction) and 2 compound sentences.

Please USE YOUR SCIENCE TEXTBOOK and other materials to help you with specific details about your science studies.

Book Club--your thoughts!

Please take a minute to reflect on your experience of our class Book Clubs. Please describe what you are learning about literary analysis through the Book Clubs you've participated in. Then tell what you think is the most interesting literary element in your analysis and why.

Please use at least 2 complex sentences and 1 compound sentence as you write.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

"Letter from Birmingham Jail"--Your Thoughts....

After reading Dr. King's letter to the eight clergymen who criticized his activities, what are your thoughts on Dr. King's letter? Do you think his response was effective? Appropriate? Well written? Helpful to the Civil Rights Movement?

How did you feel as you read Dr. King's letter? Do you agree that he was justified in what he did, or do you agree with the clergymen who criticized him? Why?

Please write your response paragraph using at least 1 compound complex sentence.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., An American Hero

Please write 3 compound complex sentences that describe the life of Dr. King and the impact he made on America.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, fantastic students! So, what did you do on your vacation? Who did you see? Were you busy, or did you relax? Tell me all about it! . . .