Monday, April 25, 2011

6th-Sparta or Athens?

If you could choose to have lived as an ancient Spartan or Athenian, which would you choose? Why? What is it about the culture and values of that group that you prefer? Explain your ideas with details about the Spartans and/or Athenians.


  1. I would be a Spartan if I had to choose. I would like to be a Spartan, because Spartans are always fit. They take you at age seven to live in barracks to train. At the age twelve you aren't to wear undergarment anymore, they give you a coat to use as a blanket and coat for a whole year. At age twenty you would be put into the regular army. You would remain in the barracks for ten more years. Spartans returned home at age 30 but stayed in the army until age 60. They would continue to train for combat. They expected to win on the battlefield or die, but never to surrender. These are all the reasons I would like to be a Spartan.

  2. If I could choose I would live as a Spartan because they are very strong and they had a powerful government. Spartans really had a very bad childhood back in the days because when new born babies were born they had to see if it was boy or a girl. They to see which one was strong, and not weakling because if they were they would put out in the desert till they die. The Spartans didn't have as much as the Athenians. The Athenians had everything they needed.

  3. If I had to choose where to live, I would pick Sparta. I'd pick that, because they're always ready to protect their country. At age seven kids would have to join the Army, and I'd like to join the Army to protect the people. Spartans at the age of twenty would have to join the advanced Army. If I had to pick where to live Sparta would be my choice.

  4. I think I would probably be a Spartan. I would want to be a Spartan, beacause I would want to know why the men entered war at the age age 20 and then return home at the 30 and then leave and finish at the age of 60. I would also like to be in it because of what girls have to do before they are married which they have to be trained in sports, running, wrestiling , and throwing javelin. They did that so the girls would stay fit. They would go where they wanted so that the men wouldn't have had told them anything. Also, at the age of 30 the men belonged to the assembly. They would be able to vote. I would also want to know why the woman weren't allowed to do that. I would want to know how the Dorians (Greeks who invaded the Ploponnesus in the Dark Age

  5. In my opinion being a Spartan is good because you have more protection than you do if you are a Athens. The reason I say this is because the men have more years of training to go to war. Another reason I say this is because Spartan boys begin training to be in the military.
    I prefer to be a Spartan because girls have rights to come out side and be athletics. I also like to be a Spartan because women can have there own property. There are lots of good reasons to be a Spartan.

  6. Spartans
    There are many reason why I would like to be a Spartan. One reason why I would want is because Spartans they pay more attention to war so that if they would have to be in war they would be ready. Boys began going to the military at the age of seven. An other reason why I would like to be a Spartan is because girls were trained in sports. I would also want to be a Spartan because they they also had a larger land.

  7. Sparta
    If I were to choose where to live, I would choose Sparta because they go to war to protect their village. When the boys are 7, they take them to a training place to go to war, and when they are 20 they go to the real war. When they are 30 they come home, and then go back to war until they are 60. They go to war and fight until they are dead, but they will never give up. I would choose Sparta if I had to choose were to live.

  8. I think I would probably be a Spartan. I would want to be a Spartan, beacause I would want to know why the men entered war at the age age 20 and then return home at the 30 and then leave and finish at the age of 60. I would also like to be in it because of what girls have to do before they are married which they have to be trained in sports, running, wrestiling , and throwing javelin. They did that so the girls would stay fit. They would go where they wanted so that the men wouldn't have had told them anything. Also, at the age of 30 the men belonged to the assembly. They would be able to vote. I would also want to know why the woman weren't allowed to do that. I would want to know how the Dorians (Greeks who invaded the Ploponnesus in the Dark Age) found them and how the treated the Spartans.

  9. I would like to be a Spartan because they have more worriers to fight in a battle Spartans are always warlike because they train for their free time. Their houses has weapons on
    the walls, and they are not very fashionable. The boys have to go to a camp, and train while the girls trained in sports. They had a king and queen like all the ancient civilization. They had to be brave because if they are weak they would die in the mountains. When boys were seven, they went to live in barracks. After they were twelve year old, they were no longer allowed to wear any undergarments. They had beds made of reeds [grasses]. At the age of 20, Spartan Men entered the regular army. The men remained in military barracks for 10 more years. Spartans came home at age 30 but stayed in the army untill age 60. They still trained for combat.

  10. If I could choose between being a Spartan or Athenian, I would choose Sparta. I know that Sparta killed the toddlers who weren't strong, but also they wanted a strong military. I'm not saying that was good, but it's just that I like how women had more rights. Woman could own property and go wherever they wanted. Also, Spartan girls were trained in sports while Athenians just did household chores.
