Monday, April 25, 2011

5th--The Bill of Rights

Which of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights do you think are most important for Americans today? Why? Which were most important for the new citizens of the United States in 1787? Why? If you had to choose only 5 of the rights for yourself, which would they be and why?


  1. The Bill of Rights is really important for the American's. I think the most important amendments for the American's today are the first, fourth, and eight. They are the most important because they state the freedom of speech and religion and also no use of unusual punishment. But the most important in those days were kind of different. The most important in those days were the third, second, and first amendments. They are the most important because the soldiers used to go inside their house but now they don't since the third amendments states that it can't happen and also states the freedom of bear arms for hunting. The five amendments that I would choose for myself would be the first, fourth, fifth, third, and ninth. Since I am really religious, I would like the first amendments as myself and also the third since I don't want no soldier in my house.

  2. The rights that I would choose and that are important are: Freedom of speech, Freedom of assembly, and Freedom of religion. Why I pick all those are because people should have the right to talk or give a speech, and people should be able to meet in meetings and discuss, and people should have the right to have any religion or be a religion and the people should be able to choose from that. The 5 that I would choose are: Freedom of speech, Freedom of press, Freedom of assembly, Freedom of petition, Freedom of religion. Why I picked those is because I would like to speak when I am spoken to in a speech, and I would like to have meetings to discuss about stuff, and I would want to choose my own religion.

  3. The rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights I think is important to America today, because there are ten amendments that mostly have freedom in it. The most important for the new citizens of the United States in 1787 was the preamble. Because it is the preamble, we have freedom and the right to have any religion. The five rights I would choose is #1, 3 and 10. I picked those because some soldiers just come in a house for no reason, and rights for the people and states.

  4. In my opinion the most important rights for the Americans today from the Bill of Rights are #1,#4, and #7. The first right is important because freedom of press, speech, assembly, and religion are important to Americans because no one should be forced to follow one religion or not assemble a group. The 4th amendment is important because no one should be able to just come in your house for no reason, with out a paper from the government or police. And lastly the 7th amendment is important because you should be able to have a jury trial. In 1787 amendments 1, 2,and 4 were most important. The first amendment was most important because they wanted to follow their own religion. The second amendment is important because if something happens and you need a gun you should be able to have one. The 4th amendment is important because no one should be able to just come in your house for no reason, with out a paper from the government or police. The most important amendments for me are 1, 4, 7, 2, and 5.

  5. The one that is the most important is Establishment cause- which means freedom of speech, and right to petition. It is important because, people don't need permission for talking and petition. The important one for the new citizen's would be power of the state and the people, because since, the people are new we should give them and the state the power. The 5 that are the most important for me are Establishment cause, Prohibition of excessive bail and cruel and unusual punishment,self-incrimination,Protection of rights not specifically enumerated in the Constitution,and Civil trial by jury. Those 5 are important because people don't need permission for anything. There shouldn't be any unusual punishments,and no person should be held.

  6. The rights that are important for Americans today are #1, #4, and #7. The first one is important because you would get a punishment for this in 1787. The fourth one is important because in 1787 they could search your house without a warrant, and the seventh one is important because you would just get a punishment without going to court and the punishment wouldn't be from the judge. In 1787, I think the most important rights were #2 and #3 because before that, soldiers could go in your house to live there and they could take your weapons. The five right I would like for myself are #1, #3, #4, #8, and #9 because I think these are the most fair and the most reasonable now.

  7. I think the first amendment is important today because if we didn't have the freedom to believe in any religion, or having the freedom to say whatever we want we would go to jail. I think in 1787 the most important amendment was the third amendment because the soldiers would just go in their houses wihtout any warrent, or permission. The five rights that I would choose for myself would be the first, second, third, fourth, and ninth because I want to have the right to say whatever I want, and the right to be in a meeting wihtout getting caught for doing something else. Also, I don't want to soldier to come to my house without my permission. Finally, I want to be able to have papers or things that shouldn't be taken away from me.

  8. I think amendment 1 freedom of religion, speech the press; the right to assemble and petition the government, because we could say what we want to say with out getting in trouble with the law. The rights I think were important in 1787 was prevent the government from keeping soldiers in homes with out owners consent, because then the owners of the home would have to let the solider sleep in there house and the owners would have to feed them. Another right is prevents unreasonable search and seizure, because then police cant go and search in your house for no reason they can only search your house if they have a warrant.The five amendments that I would choose for myself would be the first, fourth, fifth, third, and ninth right 1 because then I could say what I think about the government and not get in trouble. Right 3 because then soldier cant stay in my house. Right 4 because then police cant search my house.

  9. I think the most important articles in the Bill of Rights for 2011 and 1787 is articles 1, 2,and 10. These are important because people should have freedom of religion because many people in the U.S. have different religion. Freedom of protecting yourself with armed weapons if someone is trying to attack a person. And freedom to vote.

  10. Today, I think 1 of the Bill of Rights that's important is freedom of assembly. Because,we wou- ldin't of have that we couldn't of had PTA meetings. If we didn't have PTA meetings PTA couldn't talk about things and not raise money for tons of learning things. In 1787 it was probably the warrants and searches. To see if someone was from another country they passed that amendment.

  11. The Bill of Rights are important to the Americans today because without them some of us wouldn't be here right now and the king wouldn't let the Americans go more to the west. It is also important to the Early Americans because they would have their own laws and rights do the stuff they want to do. The five rights I would choose are Freedom of speech, Freedom of religion, Freedom of press, Freedom of assembly, and Freedom of petition and they are important to me because the people could do what they want to do.
