Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day

What have you learned about Earth Day? What is the purpose of Earth Day, and why do we celebrate it? What do people in our country do to celebrate Earth Day? What would you like to do this week to help take care of our planet?


  1. Earth Day!!!!!!!!! =)

    There are a lot of interesting things that I learned and need to do about Earth day. I learned that Earth Day is a day that was intended for the Earth's natural environment, and that Earth Day was founded by the United States Senator Gaylord Nelson in 1970. I think that the purpose of earth day is to show appreciation of Earth's natural environment. When it is the 22nd of April, most people in California and our country celebrate Earth Day by recycling, not using plastic bags, they don't drive around a lot, and much much more. There are many things that I can do this week to help save our environment for Earth Day, but why just one week and not the whole year or something. Well, I am going to do a lot for this Earth Day Week, and I'm going to start with not using a lot of electricity to save the Earth and money. Also I am going to recycle more often with out using plastic bags and using those recyclable bags. There are a lot of big things that I need to do to help our Earth for Earth day.

    Earth Day Rocks!!!!!!! =)

  2. I want to help out this year in Earth day by doing many things
    One thing I'd like to do to help the Earth is by telling my mom to use a recyclable bag instead of plastic bags. Since my mom goes shopping a lot, she could use a recyclable bag. I could also unplug cables when I'm not using them. Another thing I could do is when I go to my soccer games, I could use a reusable water bottle. I could also not be inside using technology, and go to the park to play. I learned that Earth day is very important and I'd like to help out.

  3. On April 22, 1970 Senator Gaylord Nelson was the founder of creating "Earth Day." Senator Gaylord Nelson persuaded President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue. President Kennedy liked this idea and passed it. The purpose or Earth Day is to clean and help the Earth. People on Earth Day find ways to help the Earth and find ways to cut back on electricity, water, gas, etc. On Earth Day I am going to take shorter showers and remember to turn off all the lights when I'm in another room or when I leave the house. This is the purpose of Earth Day and how I'm going to participate in it.

  4. What I learned about Earth Day was that we have to conserve energy to help our planet be more cleaner. The purpose of Earth Day is to conserve energy so that we could not use that much energy, and we celebrate it because its an important day because we have to help the environment by doing small things for the environment, like buying appliances that are energy efficient. I also will leave the windows open so the light could come in and instead of using the light you could get the light from the outside. Because we would do these things we would conserve energy.

  5. I have learned that Earth Day is a day where people go "green". They use less energy and recycle. The purpose of Earth Day is to encourage people to make our world cleaner and a better place. I would like to turn off the lights when I'm not using them, and look for stuff I can recycle and put it in a bag, and disconnect stuff that aren't in use. Also, from what I have seen so far, many stores are using recyclable bags. I would like to get one from the Hello Kitty store or Stater Bros.

  6. Earth Day is the day to celebrate and expriance the Earth's nature. I learned that Earth day is a day to be green, so I am going to do some very green to help the Earth. When Earth Day comes every person becomes green and helps the Earth to be a better place to live in. Do you want to live in a dirty place? I would't live near a dirty place. We celebrate this holiday because it is like the Earth's birthday and we want to give it a big present. The present for the Earth is to clean or to make it a better world. This week I am going to plant a plant. The plant is going to be an orange tree for we can get oranges from the tree and wash them before we eat them. :)Be Green on Earth Day

  7. What I have learned about Earth day is it was started by US Senator Nelson and first celebrated in April 22,1970. The purpose of Earth day is so people can actually care about the Earth that day but not just any day but every day. We celebrate this day because our Earth has does many things for us and I think that we celebrate this day because we appreciate Mother Earth's work. People in this country celebrate this day by doing many different activities related to Earth day. I recycle not just one day, but every day I have the chance to recycle. There are many different things to help Earth but I just do one thing. I am planing in the future to do more things to save the Earth. :)

  8. What I have learned about Earth Day is that people and people keep on throwing trash in the water, on the beach, and in rivers. The purpose of Earth Day is to take care of the earth so it doesn't get polluted. We celebrate Earth Day because are country is getting more polluted than others. The people start planting seeds to celebrate and pick up trash in the beach, water, and rivers. What I would like to do to help take care of our planet is to use water when I need to, and turn of the lights when I don't need them, and pick up trash in front of my house.

  9. Earth Day
    What I have learned about Earth Day is that Senator Nelson had the idea in the 1960. The purpose of Earth Day is to tell people how to recycle and conserve our Earth; we make such a big deal about because it is. Many people celebrate Earth Day by recycling more and wearing t-shirts that say I love the Earth. What I would do to help the environment is turn off the lights. Since I already recycle cans, I want to recycle paper.

  10. I learned that Earth Day is when you get trash and use them to recycle. The purpose of Earth Day is you make the earth as clean as you can. When we celebrate, and our country is getting more polluted than others. What I can do is pick up trash at the beach, and at my house. This week, I can ask people if they want to clean the earth so we don't have to get a lot of people sick.

  11. What I have been learning about Earth Day is that when the people heard about Earth Day they filled the streets, parks, and auditorium to help demonstrate a healthy way for our planet. It is also kind of mean of how people throw there trash in the ocean and how people leave there trash in people's lawns. Whenever, people leave trash in front of my house me and my neighbor pick up trash so it won't go to the dump. We should celebrate Earth Day by recycling more than just a couple of people.

  12. I learned that Senator Nelson had the idea of Earth Day and that the first Earth Day was on April 22, 1970. The purpose of Earth Day is to save our Earth. We celebrate Earth Day because it helps us save Earth. Because we celebrate Earth Day, some people try to use less to conserve our Earth. For Earth Day, I would like to turn off my home computer when I'm not on it. Another thing I could do is turn off the light of a room when I'm not in it. I would also like to recycle more, and try to walk to places that are close instead of using my car.

  13. On April 22, every year, we have Earth Day, we have had earth day since 1970. Senator Gaylord Nelson invented Earth Day. The purpose of Earth Day is to save our Earth and energy and to recycle, reuse, and reduce. This week I will turn off all the lights when I leave a room and I will also reuse things I could use again. On Earth Day many people celebrate by doing Earth related activities. People think only earth day is the day you recycle but actually every day can be Earth Day because you should help out Earth even though it isn't Earth Day. :) be green!

  14. There are many interesting things that I learned about Earth Day. For example, Senator Nelson created Earth Day on April 22, 1970. Also, Dennis Hayes, a coordinator, took it international in 1990, and organized events in 141 nations. The purpose of Earth Day is reusing, recycling, and reducing. Earth Day is a day we should all do at least one good thing for the Earth. We celebrate Earth Day because we should have a day only about the earth. Some people just celebrate by doing something for the earth like recycling. This weekend I'm going to help the Earth by turning off the lights when I'm not using them.

  15. On April 22, 1970 Senator Gaylord Nelson was the founder of creating "Earth Day." Senator Gaylord Nelson persuaded President Kennedy to give visibility to this issue.I also learned that Earth Day is a day where people go "green". They use less energy and recycle. The purpose of Earth Day is to encourage people to make our world cleaner and a better place.I want to help out this year in Earth day by doing many things One thing I'd like to do to help the Earth is by telling my mom to use a recyclable bag instead of plastic bags. Since my mom goes shopping a lot, she could use a recyclable bag.Another thing I could do is when I go to my soccer games, I could use a reusable water bottle. I could also not be inside using technology, and go to the park to play.

  16. I learned that Earth Day is about saving the planet. The person who created Earth Day was Gaylord Nelson. My brother and I are already recycling. For exsample we are recycling cans.

  17. One thing that I learned about Earth day is that every year we celebrate it on April 22. I don't know we always had it on the same day. I think the the purpose of Earth Day is to clean a lot and reduce, reuse, and recycle.

  18. I learned that Gaylord Nelson came up with the idea of Earth Day on April 22, 1970. The purpose of Earth Day is for people all around the world to help the earth by not polluting, recycling, and saving energy. While you are in a room, you should turn off the lights from the other rooms, that's a way you could save energy. We celebrate Earth Day because Earth does many things for us and it deserves something. Many people in our country recycle. People may recycle bags, cans, and plastic bottles. I wanna help the earth by saving energy, and by not polluting.
    *:D Earth Day :D*
