Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school, wonderful 5th & 6th graders! Please take a few minutes to share with your classmates about your Spring Break. What did you do, and who did you see? What was the highlight of your break? Please remember to use at least 1 compound sentence and 1 complex sentence with a comma. WELCOME BACK!


  1. There are many things I did for Spring Break, but there are only a few that I enjoyed very much. For my Spring Break I went to my grandma's house, and I got wet. I got wet with the hose. It was really fun. I saw my grandma and my Uncle Danny at my grandma's house. The highlight of my break was when I went to my grandma's house because I stayed there for the whole week, and we went to the store everyday to buy tamales because she sells them. My estimate of how much money my grandma made through out the week is about $130. This is the Spring Break that I had. And I enjoyed it very much.

  2. I had a great Spring Break. Three of the days on Spring Break I went to the mountains. In the mountains I went snowboarding and I played in the snow. The mountains were the highlight of my Spring Break. When I came back, I did my homework, played with my dogs,went to the movies, and went to a sleepover. I had a very fun Spring Break.

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  4. I had a great Spring Break. During my Spring Break, I went to a pool, to 2 restaurants, to the store, and bike riding. I saw my friends at the pool. After the pool, I saw my cousins when they came over. I went bike riding with them and then we played on the computer. The highlight of my Spring Break was when my cousin came over. My Spring Break was very fun.

  5. During my Spring Break I went to The Walk of Fame in Hollywood. I went with my family and cousins. Before we went, we stopped at Jack in the Box. When we finished eating we left to Hollywood, it was a long ride. When we got there, we saw the people that are going to come out on the movie Scream 4. They even put a red carpet for them. We only stayed in The Walk of Fame for about 3 hours. After Hollywood, we went home.

  6. What I did on my Spring Break was eat Chinese food, and it was really good. Another thing I did on Spring Break was go to sleep late, and see "Extranormal de Impacto", which showed ghosts, and bad spirits, and Haunted Houses. I also saw "Lo Ke La Hente Quenta", and that showed the myths of the Spanish, and some scary stories. Because I saw those shows, I slept at 12:00, and I got scared a little.

  7. During my spring break,I did many fun things. One fun thing that I did was go play soccer everyday. When my cousins from palm springs came to visit, we went to the park to play. On Saturday my little niece got baptized, and after that we had a party to celebrate.

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  9. I had a fun Spring Break. From Monday to Wednesday I slept in, and played Call of Duty: Black Ops all day. On Thursday, I had a dentist appointment after my mom,me,sister, and grandma went to go eat. On Friday I went to Knott's Berry Farm. It was awesome. We were there from 12:00 to 6:00, it was really fun. On Saturday I had a rugby game, we were in the playoffs. We won are game so we are going to the semi-finals next week. It was really exciting. On Sunday I went to church in the morning and later went to a football tournament. That was my Spring Break,and I had a great time.

  10. I had a great Spring Break. Every morning I would play video games, and my brother and I would play outside a lot with his friend. One of my favorite parts of Spring Break was I went to the park and play basketball. While my parents were going to dinner, my 2 brothers and I had a babysitter. She was cool. I had a great Spring Break.

  11. During my Spring Break I did many things, and saw my aunts, uncles, and cousins. What I did for Spring Break was get in the pool with my cousins. After the pool, I went to my cousins house so that she doesn't get lonely. On Sunday after church, I went to Santa Fe's Swap Meet with my future god parents and Diana to get my First Communion dress. We had lots of fun, but the main thing that I did which I had lots of fun too was play soccer with my teammates.

  12. Over Spring Break I saw my cousin, and went to a party. We had to buy tickets to get food from the party which costed one dollar per ticket so my mom and dad bought twenty tickets which is twenty dollars. My highlight of the Spring Break is the party because it was the funniest dad ever. That was the funniest day ever because we fell in the jumper. After that, we just got some snacks at the party. It was ice cream. My cousin got ice cream in a cone and I got a ice cream sandwich.

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  14. During my Spring Break, I did a lot of fun things. I went to the movies with my friend Daniel, we watched Hop. We both got a Cherry Slurpee and we shared popcorn. After the movie ended, we played in the arcade for a while. Then he took me home. The next day I went to my soccer game we lost 2-3. Then I went to my other soccer game and we won 1-0, I scored. After my game my big brother took me and my little brother to Boomers we played mini golf, and I won. Then We went to go play the games inside. After we played inside, we went to the movies and we saw Rio. Since we were close to the Adidas we went and looked around. My brother got new soccer cleats. After my brother got his cleats we went to go eat at IHop at 12:00 at night then we went to home. The next day my brother took me and my little brother to the park to play soccer, then he went to go buy golf clubs for him. After he bought his golf clubs we went to Jack In The Box and then we went home.

  15. On Spring Break I went to the mall, and I went to the mall with both of my sisters, because my sister went to apply for a job, after we just walked around the mall. After my mom came and picked us up then we went to my cousins house and since they live close to 7-Eleven we went to go buy Slurpee's. Then the next day we went to the beach with my aunt and my cousin but the beach had stairs to go up so there was a part in the beach where there was grass so we went there instead of getting wet because it was kind of windy. I had fun in Spring Break.

  16. When it was Spring Break, I went to Disney Land for two days. It was so fun there! First, I went to a ride called river rafting, and I went on a train ride. After that, I went to another water ride, but I didn't get wet. It was kind of boring on that ride. Then at night, I went to go see a new show called the World of Colors. It was so cool! They showed parts of a movie on the water when it shot up. When it was over, my dad picked us up and we went home, to bad my dad couldn't come because he didn't want to come. My highlight was when I went to Disney Land.

  17. During my Spring Break, I did many things and saw lots of people. I got a bluray and I felt I was at the movies. Since I had a bluray, I watched Narnia and had a good time. I saw a lot of people that I hadn't seen for a long time. I saw my cousin and my godmother; they both gave me presents for my birthday. The highlight of my break was having a get-together for my birthday. I had a very good vacation.

  18. During my Spring Break, I did many fun things. On Monday, I went to Cytlalli's house to go to the park, and at the park we were playing tag. When we came back from the park, she asked me if I can sleep over and I asked my dad and he said yes. So on Tuesday, I had to leave early because it was my dad's birthday, and we went to Starbucks to get some coffee. Friday I went to Shandey's house and the first thing we did was make ice coffee, and then her cousin took us to the pool for a while and there I saw Jenny. Then me and Shandey were trying to get her brother to throw him in the pool, but it took us forever so Jenny just got him for us and we threw him in. Saturday Morning, we went to church really early because my parents had to go to a meeting to see what is going to happen when they get married by church, and they are going to get married in May. Later that afternoon, my cousins came over and we also went to the pool, it was really hot, so there was a lot of people and it was really hard to swim. On Sunday we went to church, and it was really hard to find seats because there was lots of people and it is a small church. During my Spring Break, I did many fun things.

  19. Spring Break!!! =D
    During my spring break, I did many interesting things like: go to the pool, play soccer, seeing family, see a movie and many more. One day, when it was very hot outside, I went to the pool, and had so much fun splashing in the water. Also, I went to a birthday party, and we played soccer; it was really fun, and I had a good time. Since I haven't seen my cousins in a very long time, I was very excited to see them! Last Saturday, I had a soccer game against a hard team and we tied 1-1. Also, my friend invited me to the movies and we went to go see "Hop"! On Sunday, I went to church because it was Palm Sunday and they talked about Jesus Christ. I went to the pool, I played soccer, I saw my family, I saw a movie and many more over my spring break.

  20. For Spring Break, all I did was sleep until the weekend came.
    Then on Friday night my dad had called, and had said to
    call all my cousin and any friend that wanted to go to
    Irvine Regional Park on Saturday. After that my mom had
    said she couldn't go because she had to make food for my
    little niece party. When Saturday Morning came, my mom had
    woken up to make our food to go to the park. She had also
    been making the food for the party. Then it was 8:00, and
    my cousin were arriving. We had also gone to go and pick up
    my other cousin and then we had gone then me and my other
    cousin had told my dad that he had toke the wrong way and
    then he couldn't make a U turn until he found a big space to
    go. Then we finally arrived and waited for my dad's friend to
    come, and then they finally came and we just wandered around to see.
    Then when he and everyone else arrived we went for a hike but first we went
    to go, and climb a mountain and when we reached the top we
    kept walking. At the top of the mountain I realized we had been he with
    the school. Then we went down stairs and we found a bathroom with like a faucet of water
    and we wet ourselves and it was so hot and tiring Then we arrived back to where we were and we ate.
    Then we played soccer and we won 4-1, and we had a great time then
    we had to go in the water with the bike like a bike to be in the water it looked really fun but then they had told us we would get to tired if we went on so then we went to the zoo, and saw many animal.
    Then right after that it was time to go home after that we went to a party.
    Then Sunday we went to the park and then to the Swap meet and that was my Break.
