Monday, May 2, 2011

Athenian and American Democracy

How was democracy in Athens different from democracy in the US today? How are the two democratic systems similar? Give specific details in your explanation.


  1. The Athenians had a direct democracy. In a direct democracy, people gather at mass meetings to decide on government decisions. Every citizen can vote firsthand on laws and policies.

    The United States has a representative democracy.
    This type of democracy, we have representatives to represent our state or country. A smaller group of people decide on laws and governmental decisions. We can't have everybody from every state in America to come to a one meeting!

    One of the similar things about our democracy is anyone who is a citizen can vote. Also we can vote for or against any law.

  2. Democracy in Athens is direct, and in the United States has representives, and the right to vote in U.S is really different because All citezen male or female over 18 has the right to vote. For the Athens, Only adult males born in Athens. The Laws for Athens proposed by council and approved by a majority of assembly, and in the U.S. is approved by both houses of congress and signed by the president.

  3. The Athenian's democracy was different by ours because they decided on government matter. Any civilian could vote for politics. They also have a direct democracy not like ours. In the United States we use the representative democracy system. We vote for our president, and any Athenians could run for president while the United States has senators. The U.S makes special meetings to make laws. One thing they have similar is that they both use DEMOCRACY!!!

  4. The type of democracy in Athens is Direct, and in the U.S it's representative. In Athens the right to vote is you have to be a citizen of Athens, and have to be a male over 18 years old. In the U.S it could be anyone over 18 years old. To pass a law in the U.S both houses of congress have to agree on it, and in Athens it was a proved by the council and approved by a majority in the assembly. In Athens, citizens with voting rights can vote against any law, and in the U.S citizens with voting rights could vote against the officials who make the law.

  5. Athenians had the direct democracy and the Americans had the representative democracy. These democrats were very different from each other. Athenians can vote firsthand on laws and policies. They also had assembles about which laws or policies are good, but only six thousand people attend the assembly. There are 43,000 citizens over 18 years old in Athens. In Athens only men can vote, and in America only people over eighteen can vote. The laws in Athens have to be proposed by the council and approved by a majority in the assembly, and in America approve by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. The Citizen Involvement in Athens is citizens with voting rights can vote for or against any law. For America is citizens with voting rights can vote for or against the officials who make the laws.

  6. Athens had a democracy and they believed in it. We call their democracy system direct democracy, and our democracy is called representative democracy.There are 43,000 citizens over 18 years old in Athens. In Athens only men can vote, and in America only people over eighteen can vote. In Athens the right to vote is you have to be a citizen of Athens, and have to be a male over 18 years old.

  7. The Athenians had a direct democracy, and in the United States they have representatives. The Athenians approved there laws by the councils votes. If the council agrees, then the laws will be approved. In the United States, the laws are approved by both houses, and signed by the president. The males in Athens could only vote, while in America, everybody 18years and older could vote. The similar things they have in common is that they could vote for or against the law, and they also have meetings to make laws.

  8. There are many differences in the democracy of Athenians and the U.S. First of all, Athenians democracy is called direct democracy, and the U.S. is called representative democracy. The similarities are that they have the right to vote. The difference is that only males over 18 can attend at the assembly. There are many more differences in and similarities in our culture and in the Athenian culture.

  9. Democracy between the Athenians and the Americans!!

    Democracy in Athens was different from the democracy that we have in the U.S today because they both had many different and similar ideas about democracy. The Athenians had people gather at mass meetings to decide on government matters, while the Americans had to much population so that was impossible to do. Also, the small population of the Athenian citizens made democracy work, so the Athenians had assemblies to pass all the laws, elective officials, decisions on wars, and foreign affairs. Since the Americans had to much population, citizens choose a small group to make laws and governmental decisions. In Athens, every citizen can vote firsthand on laws and policies, just like the Americans, but you have to be over 18 years of age to vote for a president. Finally, there is one thing that is similar between the Athenians democracy and the Americans democracy, every citizen can vote! Democracy in Athens was different from the democracy that we have today in U.S.A.

  10. The Athenians has a direct democracy. In Athens, the only adults that are males can vote that were born in Athens. Also the laws were proposed by the council and approved by a majority in the assembly. Citizens with voting rights can vote for or against any law.

    The Americans has a representative democracy. In America, all citizens male and female have the right to vote but they have to be 18 or over. The laws in America are approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. Also citizens with voting rights can vote for or against the officials who make the laws.

    One similar thing between Athenians and Americans is that they both have the right to vote and they both are allow to vote for or against.

    In Athenian democracy and American democracy, there is a big difference. In Athenian democracy it's direct, while in American it's representative. Only men from Athens were allowed to vote, and here in America both woman and men can vote. The laws in Athens were proposed by the council and approved by the majority in the assembly and in America laws are approved by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. The citizen involvement in Athens was citizens with voting rights can vote for or against any law and in America citizens with voting rights can vote for or against the officials who make the laws.

  12. One differnt thing is being a citizen
