Monday, April 25, 2011

6th-Sparta or Athens?

If you could choose to have lived as an ancient Spartan or Athenian, which would you choose? Why? What is it about the culture and values of that group that you prefer? Explain your ideas with details about the Spartans and/or Athenians.

5th--The Bill of Rights

Which of the rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights do you think are most important for Americans today? Why? Which were most important for the new citizens of the United States in 1787? Why? If you had to choose only 5 of the rights for yourself, which would they be and why?

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Earth Day

What have you learned about Earth Day? What is the purpose of Earth Day, and why do we celebrate it? What do people in our country do to celebrate Earth Day? What would you like to do this week to help take care of our planet?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Welcome back!

Welcome back to school, wonderful 5th & 6th graders! Please take a few minutes to share with your classmates about your Spring Break. What did you do, and who did you see? What was the highlight of your break? Please remember to use at least 1 compound sentence and 1 complex sentence with a comma. WELCOME BACK!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mrs. Anderson's birthday is coming!

Tomorrow, April 7, is Mrs. Anderson's birthday! You have an opportunity to wish her a Happy Birthday in our class writing blog. Take a minute to write a little B-day message to Mrs. Anderson and thank her for being a wonderful principal, and I will forward her the link to our "Happy Birthday!" blog. Thanks!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Tone in "The Bermuda Triangle"

Describe the tone of the short story "The Bermuda Triangle." Give evidence from the text that supports your ideas about the story's tone.