Monday, February 28, 2011

Commas--Do you know how to use them?

Please list each of the 6 rules of comma usage; then give an example of a sentence which uses a comma following each rule.

Rule #1--Use commas between items in a list.
Ex: On my vacation, I visited Seattle, went hiking, played in the snow, and went to a basketball game with my nephews.

Challenge yourself and see if you can remember ALL 6 COMMA RULES!


  1. 1.) commas can be used after introductory words or phrases
    Ex: First of all, I went to the mall.

    2.) commas can be used to separate independent clauses in compound sentences (with a coordinating conjunction- and, but, or, so, for, yet)
    Ex: I went to the mall, and I got myself some Starbucks.

    3.) commas can be used with items in a list or series
    Ex: When I'm 15, I want to go to: Hawaii, Chicago, Nevada, but I don't want to go to Mexico.

    4.) commas can be used with direct dialog in a narrative
    Ex: "Bad boy Marley, don't bite", said Emily!

    5.) commas can be used to separate a dependent clause in a complex sentence
    Ex: Since I went to the mall, I stopped at Starbucks to get a cocoa.

    6.) commas can be used ? ? ?

  2. First of all, commas can be used in many ways. For Example they could be used in appositives, and in direct quotes.

    My dog, the cutest puppy, is a Chihuahua.

    "That could not be," said Lilly.

    Another way commas can be used are in introductory phrases, and in separating items in a list.

    The first thing I do when I get home I would walk my dog.

    I love playing handball, basketball, and best of all soccer.

    They can also be used in dependent clauses in a complex sentence.

    Before I went to the mall, I went to go get a drink in Starbucks.

    They can also be used in independent clause in a compound sentence.

    I went to go and walk my dog, and I saw an old friend.

  3. Rule #1: Use commas in a introduction word or phrase.
    Ex: Believe or not, a good way to prepare for a test is to study.

    Rule #2: Use commas in a compound sentence.
    Ex: I go to bed early, so I feel good in the morning.

    Rule #3: Use commas between items in a list.
    Ex: Over Christmas break, I cleaned my house, I did my homework, I played with my friends, and I studied for a test.

    Rule #4: Use commas with an appositive.
    Ex: My teacher, Miss. Nivinkus, is one of the best teachers I have had.

    Rule #5: Use commas in a complex sentence.
    Ex: Because I studied for my test, I feel like I'm going to pass.

    Rule #6: Use commas with dialog/quotes.
    Ex: My mom yelled, "Wake up, it's time for school!"

  4. 1-Commas used after introductory words or phrases
    EX-Once a while, we go to Los Angles to visit.
    2-Commas used used to separate independent clauses in compound sentence
    Ex- When I go to my cousin's house,we like to play lots of games,and it is very fun.
    3-Commas in a series
    Ex-I went to my cousin's house,my uncle's house,and sometimes we stayed home.
    4-Commas with interrupters/Appositive
    I brought food for Sparky,my bunny,and she liked it.
    5-Commas used after dependent clauses in complex sentences
    Ex- Whenever break comes, I like going to my cousin's house.
    6-Commas used with direct quotes and dialog
    Ex- My brother shouted,"Lets play."

  5. Rule#1- commas used to separate introductory words
    Ex: Every year, there is a day were people give each other presents; that day is Christmas.

    Rule#2-commas used to separate independent clauses
    Ex: When I grow up, I want to be a professional pet photographer, so I could have a lot of beautiful pictures in my house.

    Rule#3-commas used to separate items in a list
    Ex: I like animals because they are funny, they are really cute, and they are special.

    Rule#4-commas with interrupters/appositive
    Ex: I have a chihuahua, the funniest dog you've ever seen!

    Rule#5-commas AFTER dependent clauses
    Ex: Whenever my birthday comes, I love receiving presents and having fun!

    Rule#6-commas with quotes and dialog
    Ex: "Turn loose," said April. "I'm going to punch him in the nose."

  6. Rule#1--Commas could be used after a introductory word or phrase.
    Ex: Once in a while, I eat junk food.

    Rule#2--Commas can be used in interrupters, and appositives.
    Ex: I saw a dog, my friends dog, was a pitbull.

    Rule#3--Use commas between items in a list.
    I would like some fruit, vegetables, and junk food.

    Rule#4--Commas can be used after dependent clauses only if comma if the subordinating conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence.
    Ex: Because I got burned, my hand hurts.

    Rule#5--Commas can be used to separate independent clauses in compound sentences.
    Ex: We went to the zoo, and I saw a tiger.

    Rule#6--Use commas with dialog, and quotes.
    Ex: My dad shouted, "We are about to leave!"

  7. 1. Commas can be used after introductory words or phrases. Ex: A good way to stay healthy is too not eat junk food.
    2. Commas can be used to separate independent clauses in compound sentences. Ex: When my sisters and I go shopping, we buy many things.
    3. Commas can be used to separate items in a list. Ex: When I go to the store we buy milk, eggs, vegetables,and fruit.
    4. Commas can be used with Interrupters/ Appositive. Jordan, my baby cousin, loves to smile.
    5. Commas can be used after dependent clauses in a complex sentence. Ex: Whenever Christmas comes I love giving people presents.
    6. Commas can be used with direct quotes and dialog. Ex: " She said her first sentence just this morning, at breakfast . She said: ' When is Beauty coming home?'"

  8. 1.Use commas in a list or series.
    Ex:I like to eat strawberries, mango, and cucumbers with chili.

    2.Use commas in dialog.
    Ex:"Hey," said Nicky.

    3.Use commas with interrupters/appositives.
    Ex:At the grocery store, buy your lunch for school.

    4.Use commas in compound sentences.
    Ex:I like to eat tomatoes and potatoes.

    5.Use commas with independent clauses.
    Ex:I want to be a veterinarian, so I have to work hard.

    6.Use commas after introductory words or phrases.
    Ex:As a result, my stomach hurt.

  9. Rule#1-Commas can be used in a series or a list.
    Ex:I like playing soccer because it's fun, it's a challenge, and it's fun to see on T.V.
    Commas can be used with appositives. Ex: My niece, the cutest baby you have ever seen, is learning how to walk.
    Rule#3 Commas can be used to seperate independent clauses in coumpound sentences. Ex: When I play soccer, I have fun, but I have to be carefull that the other team doesn't slide tackle our team.
    Rule#4 commas could be used after introductory words or phrases. Ex: Once in a while, I play my xbox 360.
    Rule#5 Commas can be used after dependet clause in a complex sentence. Ex: Since my niece is turning one year old, we have to keep an eye on her more often.
    Rule#6 Commas are used with direct quotes and dialog in a narrative. Ex: "John!" exclaimed Mrs. Midas. “I'm so sorry Dr. Cranium. John, tell the doctor you're sorry for kicking his hammer.”

  10. Rule #1 Dialog
    Ex: "Mom get my sister out of my room, I'm doing my home work!"

    Rule #2 Introductory words or phrase
    Ex: Believe it or not, I get to tell my sister that she could buy candy or not.

    Rule #3 Appositive
    Ex: My bunny, the cutest bunny ever, is nice and doesn't bite.

    Rule #4 Items in a list
    Ex: Some of my favorite candies are Mexican, sour, colorful.

    Rule #5 Dependent clause with complex
    Ex: Since my friend told me she was going to come to my house, she also brought her little sister.

    Rule #6 Separate Independent Clause
    Ex: Some of my favorite things to do is to read, and to play with my friend's.

  11. Rule#1: Commas can be used after introductory words or phrases.
    Ex: Believe it or not, yesterday I had to get my mom some tortillas.

    Rule#2: Commas can be used to separate independent clause in compound sentences.
    Ex: When I grow up, I want to be a Police Officer, so I have to work hard to reach that goal.

    Rule#3: Commas can be used to separate items in a list or series.
    Ex: My favorite sport is soccer because I like going to the park with my dad, it is really fun, and I like running around with my brother.

    Rule#4: Commas can be used with interrupters and apppositives.
    Ex: My dad, the greatest dad you could ever have took me to Boomers for my birthday.

    Rule#5: Commas can be used after independent clauses in complex sentences.
    Ex: When I was at the store, I saw my best friend.

    Rule#6: Commas are used with direct quotes and dialog in a narrative.
    Ex: "Alexis!" exclaimed my mom. "Please go throw out the trash before you go out and play.

  12. Indroductory Words-I begged my parents to take me shopping, as a result I did go shopping.
    Independent Clauses-When I grow up I want to go to college, so I have to work hard.
    Items in a list-My favorite colors are blue, black, white, and neon green.
    Appositives-My markers, the new ones, got lost at my house.
    Dependent Clauses-Before I go to the mountains, I put on a lot of jackets.
    Direct Quotes-"I work at the mall." Maria said

  13. 1. commas can be used after introductory words.
    My favorite sport is basketball because, it is a healthy sport.
    2. Commas used used to separate independent clauses in compound sentence.
    When I grow up I want to go to college, so i have to study a lot.
    3.commas can be separate items in a list or series.
    My favorite fruits are Strawberries, watermelon ,and cucumbers.
    4. commas can be used after interrupter's and appositives.
    Mrs.Monroe,my 4th grade teacher, is very nice.
    5.commas can be used in dependent clauses in complex sentence; only use a comma if the subordinating conjunction at the beginning of the sentence
    Whenever I have a spelling test I either get 100% or 80%.
    6. commas are used with direct quotes and dialog in a narrative
    "A big bee." yelled Emma

  14. 1. used in phrases
    Ex: Yesterday, I went to my Grandma's House and had so much fun.

    2. in items or a list
    Ex: On my vacation, I went to the snow, and went to my Grandparent's House.

    3. used in appositives
    Ex: The dog, so cute, is sitting on my lap.
    4. Commas can be used in quotes
    Ex: "How come you didn't come to the movies with us?"
    5. used after a dependent clause
    Ex:Although I already have presents from Christmas, I want more.
    6. in compound sentence
    Ex: I want to go to Starbucks, and get coffee.

  15. 1. Commas can be used in items in a list.
    Example: I went on vacation to Florida, Nevada, and Texas this year.

    2. Commas can be used before appositives/interrupters.
    Example: I want to be a teacher, the best teacher ever, so I have to go to college.

    3. Commas can be used with quotes in dialog.
    Example: "It's time for recess," she said, " I can see the kids outside."

    4. Commas can be used with introductory phrases.
    Example: As a result, I'm really tired after the break.

    5. Commas can be used in compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions.
    Example: I have a goal, to be a teacher, so I need to go to college.

    6. Commas can be used after dependent clauses in complex sentences.
    Example: Because I want to be a teacher, so I need to work hard.

  16. Rule#1--Commas can be used after introductory words or phrases
    Ex: Once in a while, I am shy to talk to people.

    Rule#2--Commas can be used to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence.
    Ex:I am going to collage, so I have to work hard right now.

    Rule#3--Can seperate items in a list or series.
    Ex:My favorite colors are red, blue, and black.

    Rule#4--Commas can be used in interrupters and appositives.
    Ex:The dog, which is really big, looks scary.

    Rule#5--Can be used after dependent clauses in a complex sentence.
    Ex:Before I went to Sonora, I went to a bad school called Pomona.

    Rule#6--In quotes or in dialog.
    Ex:"I'm so bored," Ana said.

  17. Rule#1-- Use commas in a list.
    Ex: On my vacation I went to Disney land, mountians, and to a party.

    Rule#2-- Use commas in dialog.
    Ex: When we went to Disney land, we went on a roller coaster and screamed "ah".

    Rule#3-- Use commas in compound sentences.
    Ex: Since, I went to Disney land, I had the time of my life.

    Rule#4--Use commas in interrupters/appositevs.
    Ex: My dog,a chihuahua,is funny to play with

    Rule#5--Use commas with indepentent Clauses.
    Ex: I want to become a vet, so I need to work hard.

    Rule#6--Use commas after inntrodutroy words or phrases.
    Ex: I fell, so I put a bandade

  18. Rule#1- commas used to separate introductory words
    Ex: Every year, there is a day were people give each other presents; that day is Christmas.

    Rule#2-commas used to separate independent clauses
    Ex: When I grow up, I want to be a police officer, so I could protect people.

    Rule#3-commas used to separate items in a list
    Ex: My favorite colors are Green,Blue, and Purple.

    Rule#4-commas with interrupters/appositive
    Ex: I have a big brother , one of the best brothers in the world.

    Rule#5-commas AFTER dependent clauses
    Ex: Whenever my birthday comes, I love receiving presents and having fun!

    Rule#6-commas with quotes and dialog
    Ex: "Saul" exclaimed my mom. "please have your homework done before you go play outside."

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Rule#1--Use commas to separate an introductory word or phrases
    Example:First of all, I went to Target for milk then we went to Stater Bros. for bread.

    Rule#2--Use commas between items in list
    Example:On Sunday of the vacation we first went to church, then we went to the store for food to eat, and then we came back home.

    Rule#3--Use commas to separate independent clauses in compound sentences
    Example:Then on Wednesday I went to my cousins house, and then when I was there for a while and then they asked me if I wanted to go to the park then I said yes so I came back to tell my other cousin to come and so we all went to the park.

    Rule#4--Commas can be used to separate independent/appositives
    Example:On Thursday I went to church school, a place were teachers tell you about the past of God and other people.

    Rule#5--Commas can be used in after dependent clauses in complex sentences
    Example:Whenever I am at my house and not doing anything, my cousin comes and tells me if I want to go to his house.

    Rule#6--Commas are used with direct quotes and dialog in a narrative
    Example:On Sunday my mom said that first we were going to church then to Target and my dad said, "I am going fast to get some thing because your uncles are coming."
