Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Please list the 6 comma rules and give an example for each without using your notes.


  1. Rule#1-I begged my parents to take me home as a resault I did go shopping.
    Rule#2-When I grow up I could get my lisence, but that's if I pass the test.
    Rule#3-My favorite colors are blue, black, and white.
    Rule#4-My braclets, the colorful ones, got lost at the mall.
    Rule#5-Before I go to the beach, I put on sunscreen.
    Rule#6-"Jenny," my mom called, "go wash the dishes."

  2. Rule #1--Use commas with a introductory word or phrase.
    Ex: After, I went to school.

    Rule #2--Use commas in a compound sentence.
    Ex: I am feel good this morning, so I will have a good day!

    Rule #3--Use commas in a list.
    Ex: On vacation, I went to Massachuetts, Texas, New Hampshire, and California.

    Rule #4--Use commas with a appositive.
    Ex: My dog, Boots, is very large.

    Rule #5--Use commas in a complex sentence.
    Ex: When I got home, I did my homework.

    Rule #6--Use commas in dialog.
    Ex: My cousin said, "Are you sure you're okay?"

  3. Rule#1--Commas can be used after introductory words or phrases
    Ex:Once in a while, I get scared to present or talk to people.

    Rule#2--Commas can be used after independent clauses in a compound sentence
    Ex:I like to go to school, so I have to wake up early.

    Rule#3--Commas can be used to separate items in a list or series.
    Ex:My favorite colors are Red, Blue, and Black.

    Rule#4--Commas can be used in appositives or interrupters
    Ex:The dog, the big black one, is my neighbors.

    Rule#5--Commas can be used after dependent clauses in a complex sentence
    Ex:Since I like school, I figure teaching is right for me.

    Rule#6--Commas can be used in quote or dialog in a narrative
    Ex:"I have to work now,"Rob said.

  4. They're many way we can use commas and here are six of them.

    Commas can be used in introductory phrases.

    The first thing when I get home from school, I go to the park.

    Commas can also be used in an independent clause.

    I went to the mall, and I got a cute blouse.

    Commas can also be used in an dependent clause.

    Before I went to the park, I went to mall.

    Commas may also be used in an appositve.

    My dog, the cutest Chihuahua, is turning a year old.

    Commas are also used to separate items in a list.

    My favorite sport are soccer, basketball, and tennis.

    The last one is that commas can also be used in quotes or in dialog.

    "I went to the mall and I saw a famous singing,"
    said Leslie

  5. Rule#1-Use commas after introductory words or phrases
    Ex:Once in a while, I get some problems wrong in A.M.
    Rule#2-Use a comma to separate independent clauses in a compound sentence.
    Ex:I want to be a doctor, so I have to study a lot in school.
    Rule#3-Use a comma to separate items in a list or series.
    Ex:When I get home I do my homework, eat, and watch T.V.
    Rule#4-Use a comma after an interrupters or appositives.
    Rule-#5-Use commas after a dependent clause in a complex sentence.
    Ex:Before I play outside, I do all of my homework.
    Rule#6-Use a comma with quotes and dialog in a narrative.
    Ex:"Now that I'm a working man,"said Rob shyly,"could I have a cup of coffee?"

  6. Introductory word or phrase
    Everyday, I ask my mom if I can ask my if she could take me to my friends house, so we could do home work together.

    Independent clause
    One time I was reading my book, and it was such a good book my sister wanted to read it.

    Separate items in a list
    My favorite animal is a dog because they are cute, fun to play with, and you could put cute cloths on them.

    Dependent clause
    Since I was at my friends house, I was helping her walk her puppy.

    My bunny, the sweetest bunny ever, is the best bunny that you could have.

    "You can't make us leave we got it first!"

  7. 1. used in phrases
    Ex: Yesterday, I went to the mall to get a purse.
    2. appositives
    Ex: A dog, the cutest puppy on earth, is sitting on my lap.
    3. compounds
    The dog was sad and he wants to play with me.
    4. complex sentence
    Before I went to school, I ate my breakfast.
    5. in quotes
    Mom said,"come and finish your homework."
    6. in a list
    On my vacation, I went to the snow, my Grandparent's House, and went to a birthday party.

  8. 1-Commas used after introductory words
    Ex-Once a while, we go to Los Angles to visit.
    2-Commas used used to separate independent clauses
    Ex- When I go to my cousin's house,we like to play lots of games,and the games are very fun.
    3-Commas in a series
    Ex-I went to my cousin's house,my uncle's house,and sometimes we stayed home.
    4-Commas with interrupters/Appositive
    I brought food for Sparky,my bunny,and she liked the food.
    5-Commas used after dependent clauses
    Ex- Whenever break comes, I like going to my cousin's house to play.
    6-Commas used with direct quotes
    Ex- My brother shouted,"Lets play a game!"

  9. 1.) commas are used with items in a list or series
    Ex: I love playing soccer because it is fun, entertaining, challenging,and I just love kicking the ball.

    2.) commas can be used to separate an independent clause in a compound sentence
    Ex: I stopped at the book store, and I read a few books.

    3.) commas can be used to separate a dependent clause in a complex sentence
    Ex: Since I went to the mall, I stopped at the bookstore to read some books.

    4.) commas can be used with interrupters and appositives
    Ex: My bunny, the cutest little bunny ever, is very chubby.

    5.) commas can be used with quotes in direct dialog in a narrative
    Ex: "Scratchy, don't poop in your food", said Emily.

    6.) commas can be used with introductory words or phrases
    Ex: Yesterday, I fed and gave my bunnies water.

  10. Rule#1: introductory word or phrase
    Ex: Believe it or not, everyday I have to help my brother with his homework.

    Rule#2: independent clause with compound sentence
    Ex: Whenever I go to the park, or the gym after school, I have to pick up my brother from my grandma's house.

    Rule#3: separate items in a list
    Ex: I love my little brother because he is very fun, cute, and weird.

    Rule#4: dependent clause with complex sentence
    Ex: Whenever I go to the park, I have to take my little brother with me.

    Rule#5: Appositive and interrupters
    Ex: My cousin, the greatest cousin you could ever have, bought me new shoes.

    Rule#6: dialog and quotes
    Ex: "Hey!" a lady said. "Watch out for that tree!"

  11. Rule#1- Interrupters/Appositives
    Ex: I have a chihuahua, the cutest dog you've ever seen!

    Rule#2- Items in a list
    Ex:Before I start playing, my mom checks my homework, to see if I have finished it.

    Rule#3-commas to separate independent clauses

    Ex:Once a year, there is a day we give each other presents, that day is Christmas!


    Rule#6- Commas with quotes/dialog
    Ex: "Hurry up," said my uncle "we're about to leave."

  12. 1.)You could use commas to separate items in a list.
    Ex.We need to buy oranges, grapes, eggs, carrots, milk, and cereal.

    2.)Commas can be used in complex sentences, only if the subordinating conjunction in the beginning of a sentence.
    Ex.Because I had to do my homework, I couldn't go with my mom to the store.

    3.)Commas can be used in dialog or quotes.
    Ex. My dad shouted,"It's time to go!"

    4.)Commas can be used in introductory words or phrase.
    Ex.Once in a while, I go to the store.

    5.)Commas can be used as interrupters.
    Ex.My candy, the sweetest candy in the world, is only 2 dollars.

    6.)Commas can be used in a compound sentence.
    Ex.I went to the store, and I rented a movie.

  13. 1: Use a comma in a series in a list.
    Ex: My favorite colors are red, blue, lime green, and Light yellow.
    2: Use a comma in a compound sentence.
    Ex: "Can I please have my juice?", or I will get really thirsty.
    3: Use a comma with interupters or appositives.
    Ex: My dog, Fluffy, is the cutest dog in the world.
    4: Use a comma in a complex sentence.
    Ex: My mom always takes me and my sister to go eat dinner, but when dad comes we leave because of him he goes to work.
    5: Use a comma in a dialog.
    Ex: "When I go to the store my dog always follows me, it's like if he doesn't want me to leave, so I just take him with me because I love my dog."
    6: Use a comma in a compound complex sentence.
    Ex: I like to eat tacos, so does my sister, I like good tacos too.

  14. 1.Use commas with introductory words or phrases.
    Ex: As a result, my stomach hurt.

    2.Use commas to separate in compound sentences.
    Ex: I love my dad, my brother, Abrahan, and my brother,Daniel.

    3.Use commas with quotes and dialog in a narrative.
    Ex:"See, ya later" said Kim.

    4.Use commas to separate items in a list or in a series.
    Ex:My best friends are Brittany, Emily, Alinne, Yaritza, Cytallii, Nadime, and Alexis.

    5.Use commas to separate independent clauses in compound sentences.
    Ex: I scraped my knee, so I put a ban-aid on.

    6.Use commas with interrupters/appositives.
    Ex:My turtle, a sleepyhead, not active.

  15. 1.)Commas can be used in introductory words or phrases
    Ex: Once in a while, my family and I go visit my cousins.

    2.)Commas can be used to separate a dependent clause in a compound sentences
    Ex:I have soccer practice, so I'm not going to eat a lot.

    3.)Commas can be used ti separate items in a list or series
    Ex:My favorite colors are Green, Blue, and Purple

    4.)Commas can be used in appositives and interrupters
    Ex: My brother, how loves soccer, made the all star team

    5.)Commas can be used before a dependent clause in a complex sentence
    Ex: When I got home, I did my homework.

    6.)Commas can be used direct quotes or dialog
    Ex: "Isaac" exclaimed my mom. "Have all your homework done before you go to soccer practice."

  16. Rule#1-Use commas after introductory phrases.
    Ex:I begged my parents to take me home, as a resault I did go home.
    Rule#2-Use commas to seperate independent clauses in a compound sentence.
    Ex:When I grow up I want to be fashion, so i have to study a lot.
    Rule#3- Use commas to seperate items in a list.
    Ex:My favorite board games are Life, Monopoly, and Operater.
    Rule#4-Use commas as an interrupter or appositive.
    Ex:My bracelets, the colorful ones, got lost at the mall.
    Rule#5-Use commas after an independent clause in a complex sentence.
    Ex:Before I go to the beach, I put on sunscreen.
    Rule#6-Use commas with quotes in a narrative.
    Ex:"Jenny," My mom called, "go wash the dishes!"

  17. Rule#1-use commas after introductory words.
    Ex:I sometimes get 87% on my spelling test.
    Rule#2-Use commas to separate independent clauses.
    Ex:Since I want to go to college, I have to study hard.
    Rule#3-Use commas to separate items in a list or series.
    Ex:My favorite animals are monkeys, bears, and whales.
    Rule#4--Commas can be used in appositives or interrupter
    Mrs.Monroe, my 4th grade teacher,was very nice.
    Rule#5-Use commas after a dependent clause in a complex sentence
    After, I went to the park, I went to my cousins house.
    Rule#6-Use a comma with quotes and dialog in a narrative
    What is your favorite color? asked Jill

  18. Rule#1- Use a comma after an introductory words or phrases
    Ex:As a result, we went on a field trip.

    Rule#2- Use a comma after items in a list
    I like gymnastics because I like bars, flips, and the floor.

    Rule#3- Use a comma in a compound sentence with a coordinating conjunction
    Ex: I like cheese, and Hawaiian pizza.

    Rule#4- Use a comma in dialog and direct quotes
    "I will be right back."

    Rule#5- Use a comma in a interrupter or appositive
    Ex: I love my, furry, bunny.

    Rule#6- Use a comma to separate a dependent clause
    Ex: I have a dog, the cutest dog ever.

  19. rule #1-- a way you can use commas is in dialog with quotation marks.
    Ex: "Be quiet," shouted Sophie.
    rule #2-- another way you can use commas is in items in a list.
    Ex: this is what you need for soccer shin guards, soccer cleats, socks, and a ball.
    rule #3-- commas are used after introductory words.
    Ex: First of all, I went to the store.
    rule #4-- commas are used in appositives or interrupters.
    Ex: My brother, a crybaby, cries a lot.
    rule #5-- commas are used after a subordinating conjunction.
    Ex: Although we ordered pizza, it came late.
    rule #6-- commas are used before a coordinating conjunction.
    Ex: I like apples, but mangoes are my favorite.

  20. Rule#1- Commas can be used between items in a list.
    Example: I need to work hard, study, and go to college to be a teacher.

    Rule#2- Commas can be used with introductory words or phrases.
    Example: As a result, I had a great time with my cousins.

    Rule#3- Commas can be used after appositives/interrupters
    Example: I want to be a teacher, a wonderful teacher, and teach Kindergarten.

    Rule#4- Commas can be used with direct quotes in dialog.
    Example: My mom said,"Get in the car!"

    Rule#5- Commas can be used in compound sentences with coordinating conjunctions.
    Example: I like puppies, but I don't like cleaning up after puppies.

    Rule#6- Commas can be used in complex sentences.
    Example: Since I want to be a teacher, I need to go to college.

  21. Rule#1--Use commas can be after introductory words or phrases
    Example:First of all, on vacation I mostly did two thing of my homework then I did what I wanted to do.

    Rule#2--Use commas after a complex sentence if a subordinating conjunction is at the beginning
    Example:When I was done with my homework, on vacation I told my dad if I can go to my cousin's house or he came and told him.

    Rule#3--Use commas in a list or series
    Example:On Tuesday of the vacation I went to my cousin's house, then my grandparents, my three cousin's, and I went to the park until three thirty, then we went all came back home.

    Rule#4--Use commas in an interrupter/appositives
    Example:On Tuesday I went to my cousin's house to play for a while then we went to the park, a calm and fun place to feed the ducks.

    Rule#5--Use commas in a compound sentence
    Example:On Wednesday I did the rest of my home work, and then I told my brother if I could play and he said yes.

    Rule#6--Use commas in direct quotes or dialog
    Example:On Thursday I went to my cousin's house for a while then came back home then when I came home I turned the television on then my brother said, "Did you finish your church homework." Then I was doing it my church school homework with another cousin for help and then I finished it then I went to church school.
