Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Would you like to be a mountain climber?

Think about what you read in "Climb or Die." Then decide if you would like to be a mountain climber, if you had the opportunity. Would you mountain climb if you could? Why or why not? Tell which mountains you would climb if you could and why.


  1. I wouldn't like to mountain climb because you could fall and die, and because its seems boring because all you do is climb and it could be a risk. If I knew a person that mountain climbed, I would tell him or her to tell me how it feels.

  2. I think that if I had the opportunity to climb a mountain I wouldn't because I'm scared of hights. Also I would be scared that I would stay up there or get stuck. The thing that scares me the most is that you never know that you could fall off a mountain and get hurt and die.

  3. I would not be a climber because there can be a mountain lion, and that can kill you. Being a climber can be a very dangerous sport because you can fall off and then die. I would climb a medium side mountain.

  4. I would not like to be a mountain climber because I don't Like hights. I'm also not a person of meeting wild animals when I'm by my self. If I had a chance to climb a mountain I would not take the chance because you can lose oxygen.

  5. If I had the opportunity to be a mountain climber, I would be one. Mainly because I love the outdoors, and it would be a good opportunity to work on my climbing. I would like to climb any mountain, as long as it doesn't have such a high altitude. The only reason that I would not want to be a mountain climber is because I don't want to die, if I fall.

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  7. If I had the opportunity to be a mountain climber I would because when I would reach the top of a mountain I would get to see a pretty good view. The mountain that I would like to climb would be Mt. St Everest because it is the tallest mountain in the world, and I would like to see the view from the top of the mountain.

  8. I wouldn't like to climb a mountain because then I might fall off the cliff and die, and I wouldn't want to die. I would like to because I love hights. So it really depends how high the mountain is.

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  10. If I had a choice to be a mountain climber, I would go for it because not everyone gets that opportunity to climb a mountain. I would also climb because while climbing, I will have something to look forward to when I get to the top, the view.

  11. If I had the opportunity to be a mountain climber, I wouldn't because you are putting your life in danger. Another reason I wouldn't be a mountain climber is that there are many things to do in life, and if you do climb a mountain those other opportunities in life you can't do if you die. If I wanted to be a mountain climber I would climb Mt St. Helens to see the big crater.

  12. If I had the opportunity to become a mountain climber, I would not take it because I might fall and die. I do not want to die and what if I slipped and fell. I would die. So that is why I don't want to be a mountain climber.
