Monday, October 4, 2010


Anyone like having a netbook to use in class and at home? What are you enjoying most about having a netbook this year? What is your favorite type of netbook based assignment? Do you like blogging? Writing assignments in Open Office and/or My Access? Math videos from Discovery Education? What types of assignments and learning activities would you like to do this year using your netbook? Any ideas? . . .

What have you learned about troubleshooting this year so far? Would you ever consider a career in IT (Instructional Technology), helping people with their computers? What would you like to learn about how to troubleshoot your netbook?


  1. One thing i like about the net book is that we could do dance mat typing. I like this website because it is educational and fun. Another website i like about the net book is math activities like Although the website is fun, it is also educational. Whenever i go on the website it only gives ten problems then we have to sign up to play more.

  2. I enjoy using my Netbook because I could play games and see math videos.I also enjoy using it because then we don't have to write on a piece of paper.My favorite activity on the Netbook is typing a class blog an writing a story.These are the reasons why I like my Netbook.

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  4. As well as other kids,I love Netbooks!I love using netbooks instead of a paper with a pencil. Its so boring using paper not like using the netbooks. Although there may be some troubleshooting,and it drives me nuts but I keep on trying. I would not consider of being an I.T. more than anything. I love netbooks as well as other kids!

  5. One thing I like about netbooks is we get to play games, but we can only play games when we are done with our homework.Something else I like about netbooks is open office.I like it because it makes typing faster than writing it on paper.

  6. It is fun to use the Netbook but it usually it stops. That isn't fun. but I know how to fix it. So its sort of fun fixing it and helping other people. So if I help other people do it they will know. That is why it is fun to use the Netbook.

  7. Although netbooks trouble shooting can be difficult sometimes its worth all the fun we have with it in class and out. Whenever we take it home we do some dance mat typing on it for homework and when we finish we can play good fun games on our netbooks!!!(:

  8. One thing i like about having a Netbook is we get to play games and my favorite website is Dance Mat Typing because some songs are funny and at the end of the game ALL the characters sing and you get a reward.

  9. Netbooks are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =) I really like having a Netbook but, it really sucks when I have to trouble shoot all the time. I love playing games and, going on fun websites. After I take my netbook home, I start playing games or doing my homework. If open office wasn't invented in the netbooks we would have always gone on Microsoft Office.

  10. one thing i like about having a netbook is we could go on dance math typing and going to our class blogs.but,the best part is taking the netbooks home for homework. after i finish my homework i could play games on my netbooks

  11. net books are the best!!!!!!!!! the first day I got my net book I was surprised because we were learning math and our school custodian came in with the net books. until the next day we got to use it.

  12. I love using my Netbook in class and at my house.The thing I am enjoying about my Netbook this year is that i can take it home, and play with it. Whenever i finish my homework i can play games on my Netbook. My favorite based assignments is math i can watch math video and play math games, but when you have to download the video it takes for ever. I like blogging because you can see what are the people are saying about that question.

  13. One thing I like about my Netbook is that you get to do dance mat typing and you get to learn how to type without looking at the keyboard. Whenever I forget my homework, I could go to our blog and check our homework. Since then I mostly use it every day, and I always go on You Tube when i use it. I also go on Yahoo, and chat with my friends. These are the reasons why I like my Netbook.

  14. I love having my netbook it is the best thing that could ever happen.But the thing that sucks is that I can't take it home.The only people who can't take it home is me and alinne.Why I like my netbook is because we get to go on cool websites and when there is rainy day schedule we are aloud to go on whatever website we want but that is not bad or bloody.Another thing is that we don't have to write in pencil no more there is open office and we are already writing about our netbooks like right now.

  15. I like using my Netbook because you can explore new websites and you can work on your independent study instead of using a pencil and a paper.My Netbook can be fun but sometimes I can get really mad at it,because of TROUBLE SOOTING but it helps my improve my tec skills.

  16. Since i had a net-book it is much more easier than using a paper and a pencil,and now they came out with computers and now everyone uses computers now a days.I enjoy not having to use a pencil and favorite assignment is having to go on the blog because you get to learn more about typing.I like blogging because you get to write but like not with a paper and a pencil.I would like to do my class blogging because it so much more fun than a paper and a pencil...........

  17. I really love to use my net-book in class and in school because when I get home from school I start to play on it, and I also love to do some research one last thing I love to do is chat on my g mail. I really love to write so if I'm on the net-book I would just start typing a story about what ever like how was my day some thing like that. I really like to blog because you could show what you know. Since I love writing I would love to do my access.

  18. I like using net books in class because it is helpful to us Google for reports and net books are not helpful because it kicks you of the internet lot. another problem with net books are i can't take it home because i have version wireless at my house. Some websites i like to use are dance mat typing and discovery education.
