Thursday, October 28, 2010


What cities would you like to visit in the U.S.? Please write a sentence that lists 3 or 4 cities (with the state and a comma) that are separated by semi-colons.

Here's an example to think about:

I would love to visit Honolulu, Hawaii; Juneau, Alaska; and Boston, Massachusetts.

Now try a sentence with semi-colons used to separate dates. Please write a sentence that lists 3 or 4 dates (month, day, and year separated by a comma) that are separated by semi-colons:

Another example:

My sisters' birthdays are May 5, 1964; March 25, 1970; and July 1, 1973.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Book Club! . . .

What book are you currently reading in your Book Club? What do you like about the book? Also, what do you enjoy most about being in a Book Club? Is it choosing a book? Reading the book? Preparing for your discussion? Discussing the book with your friends?

If you could organize your own Book Club with your friends, what would you do in your Book Club? What would you call your club and what kinds of books would you select for your club to read?

Monday, October 4, 2010


Anyone like having a netbook to use in class and at home? What are you enjoying most about having a netbook this year? What is your favorite type of netbook based assignment? Do you like blogging? Writing assignments in Open Office and/or My Access? Math videos from Discovery Education? What types of assignments and learning activities would you like to do this year using your netbook? Any ideas? . . .

What have you learned about troubleshooting this year so far? Would you ever consider a career in IT (Instructional Technology), helping people with their computers? What would you like to learn about how to troubleshoot your netbook?